
Career Coaching

For executives re-entering the job placement pool after years of steady employment, the changes can be overwhelming. Gone are the days of looking through want-ads or cold-calling companies you'd like to work for. Today's job search requires a new approach. At FirstSource Team, our stable of career coaches provides expert advice at no charge to you. Some of the areas they'll assist you with include:

  • Personal branding. Today's job market is highly digital. Companies interested in you as a candidate are going to check you out online. That's why it's critical to have a strong personal online brand that showcases your strengths and thought leadership in your field.
  • Optimizing your LinkedIn account. LinkedIn is an incredibly powerful tool for job candidates--if it's used to its maximum capability. Our career coaches will help you build an engaging, highly searchable LinkedIn presence that will get you noticed by top employers.
  • Beating applicant tracking systems. Many companies use applicant tracking systems to quickly discard the vast majority of the resumes that get sent in for a job posting. We provide expert advice on beating those systems by tailoring your resume to a particular job posting.
  • Preparing for job interviews. The questions companies will ask when they call you in for an interview are expertly designed to probe your suitability for a position. We can provide coaching on the types of questions to expect, and strategies for answering them in a way that will get you to the next stage.
  • Helpful resources. Job transition can be an overwhelming time. Our career coaches can help direct you to the wealth of information available on our website for navigating this challenging time of life. They're here to provide the support you need to get you to the next great stage of your life--and the best job you've ever had.

Contact us today to learn how our career coaching services can help you.