
Blogging has typically fallen into one of two categories: either as a hobby to express personal interests, or as a professional pursuit all its own, similar to other small businesses. But new thinking also sees blogging as an effective means of securing your next professional job opportunity. By rethinking how a blog can be used as a marketing tool, you can expand your reach and get noticed by hiring managers so you can get the interview you want.
Become a thought leader
If the job of a resume is to set you apart from other candidates, blogging offers job seekers an opportunity to truly distinguish themselves in a way that goes far beyond simple work history. Blogging allows candidates to establish themselves as both thought leaders and experts in their given field, creating an online presence and offering proof of your knowledge and expertise. Employers can read for themselves the ideas and creativity you would bring to a position, helping to establish a connection other candidates won’t have.
How do I get started blogging?
Creating a blog is almost as easy as creating an e-mail account. Sites like WordPress, SquareSpace and Wix offer free, easy-to-use templates that let you quickly and easily start a blog with little to no graphic or web design work on your end. That means that as long as you have the ideas and the words, you can sign up and start publishing blog posts almost immediately.
But there is value in setting your blog apart both visually and functionally. Creating a visually striking blog that functions well across platforms can help catch a hiring manager’s eye and get them to take notice. Registering a specific domain name for your blog can also be a cheap way to further your search results and ultimate reach.
You can also publish your blog directly onto your LinkedIn page. This approach helps shore up your LinkedIn presence, and all of the people you’re linked with will see the blog in their newsfeed when you publish it.
Who has the time?
Blogging can be a daunting challenge for many people facing sudden unemployment as they try to balance their job search with personal and family obligations. It may feel like blogging is an unnecessary burden to add to the laundry list of responsibilities, but it’s worth the effort, and creating a plan can help ease that burden. By dedicating just two hours a week to your blog, you can dramatically increase your chances of getting noticed by hiring managers and ultimately securing an interview. Creating a schedule for your blog will make it feel more manageable and will provide an effective roadmap for getting your next job.
Below you will find additional information and resources on blogging:
Stories of people who turned blogs into jobs
How blogging can help land your dream job