
Job Search

The days of looking for a job in the classifieds are long gone. Even many of the job search tools that gained widespread popularity at the start of the digital era are now considered passe or obsolete. To get the most out of your job search and find the best potential openings, it’s important to utilize the latest tools and set yourself up to make the biggest impact in the job marketplace.

Job search engines rule

If you haven’t looked for a job for a number of years, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the biggest names in the game today. Job search engines like Indeed, ZipRecruiter, and LinkedIn host thousands of open positions and are used by many of the country’s top employers. Using a simple keyword search will likely reveal hundreds of jobs related to your interests.

You can also set up “job alerts” on many of these sites that will automatically notify you when a job with the title you’re interested in becomes available. This can take much of the search out of the equation by bringing the newest positions right to your fingertips. It’s also important to keep in mind that some positions won’t be posted to any of these sites, and if you are interested in working for a specific company, your best bet is to search directly on that company’s website.

Best practices for job search engines

Just knowing where the jobs are posted isn’t enough to get you to the interview stage. You also need to be using the job boards effectively to get the attention of hiring managers. Because many companies use screening software, optimizing your resume to trigger job search algorithms is critical for rising to the top of the candidate pool. Creating a profile and uploading your resume can also allow employers to find you independently without you having to apply.

But you should also beware of relying on job boards too heavily. Although many sites offer the opportunity to apply directly through their portals, sometimes the jobs listed are no longer available, so it’s best to check the company website directly.

Traditional job search methods

While newspaper want ads and traditional job boards may be in the rearview mirror, there is one old adage that still holds up: it’s not what you know, but who you know. Even in the digital age, the power of networking and personal connections cannot be overlooked. By creating a job hunting strategy that combines new tools with timeless best practices, you can quickly find the job you’re looking for and position yourself as a top candidate.

Below you will find additional information and resources on searching for jobs:

List of the 10 best job search sites

Getting the most out of job search websites

Helpful job search tricks and tips

Basic job search skills that often get overlooked