
Social Networking

The phrase “social networking” immediately calls to mind images of teens spending hours on apps like Facebook and Snapchat. But it’s important to pay attention to the value of social networking in a job search, as it offers a unique way to find your next job opportunity.

More than LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the unquestioned leader in professional social networking sites. But that doesn’t mean it’s the only one you should be using in looking for a new job. Experts say sites like Twitter, Jobster, and yes, even Facebook, can all offer job hunting value as well. The way you use each site will be different, but the idea is to maintain a strong personal brand presence across all platforms. By making yourself visible on different social networking sites, you raise your profile and become more attractive to potential employers.

Using social networking to land a job

Hiring managers are using social media to screen and recruit candidates now more than ever. So the key is to use the sites to your advantage and create an online persona that hiring managers can’t wait to meet. It’s important to regularly update your profiles with fresh, relevant content that shows you’re passionate about your industry, while also showcasing some of your personality. Make sure your profiles are formatted to highlight your best qualities, and be sure to include keywords you know hiring managers are looking for. Last but not least, engage with other social media users to show you’re a thought leader and someone who can be counted on for expertise. Even though it’s online, networking still requires you to go out and make connections, so make those connections count.

Always stay professional

It may be common sense, but it bears repeating: what you post online can follow you for the rest of your life. How many times have you seen a news story about someone getting fired for posting something offensive or inappropriate on Facebook? Whenever you’re using any social networking channel, remember that your posts are written in ink, not pencil, and always keep it appropriate. Hiring managers will be quick to avoid someone who could potentially embarrass the company. Use social networking to create a path to employment, not barriers.

Below you will find additional information and resources on social networking:

Searching for jobs with the help of social media

Top 10 social media sites for job seekers

How to get the most out of your social networking

The dos and don’ts of social media use