
Cover Letter – After Interview: Resignation Letter

Formal Resignation

January 1, 2006

Sam Anton
18293 Embarcadero Road
Shawsville, VA 24162

Dear Mr. Anton:

As of this date, I am formally extending my resignation as _______________(TITLE). I have accepted another position and will need to be prepared to begin on _______________(DATE). This letter officially serves as my two-week notice to terminate employment with _______________(COMPANY).
I am willing to help as much as possible during the next two weeks to complete all of the tasks that need to get done before exiting for a smooth and complete transition.
I wish you continued success, and I want to thank your for allowing me to be a part of your team. Please feel free to contact me at any time if I can be of further assistance.


Drew Sterling

Looking to Grow

January 1, 2006

Scott Hansen
88294 Fourth Drive
Beaverscreek, AZ 85375-0496

Dear Mr. Hansen:

This will confirm our discussion of _______________(DATE) in which I advised you of my decision to resign from _______________(COMPANY). My _______________(NUMBER) years at _______________(COMPANY) have been an exciting and growing experience, but I feel the time has come to move on to new challenges.
I wish to thank you for your continued guidance, support, encouraging words and thoughts over the past _____________(NUMBER) years. It is due to the experience I gained here that I am now able to pursue this opportunity.

Thank you again. It has been a pleasure being a part of your team.


Drew Sterling

New Career Goals

January 1, 2006

Sam Anton
18293 Embarcadero Road
Shawsville, VA 24162

Dear Mr. Anton:

Please accept my letter of resignation, effective immediately. I am relinquishing my position as __________(TITLE) to pursue progressive goals within my career.

I will fulfill two-week’s service, starting __________(DATE) to organize matters, close pending projects, and prepare assignments for the smooth transition of my anticipated replacement. Likewise, if you find a suitable candidate prior to my last day of service, I will provide training in my duties to acclimate this prospective employee as much as possible for the position.

I appreciate and thank you for the opportunities that you have afforded me as the __________(TITLE). I have gained valuable experience during my employment with __________(COMPANY).


Drew Sterling

Outgrew Current Position

January 1, 2006

Charles Hill
91865 North First Drive
Eden Prarie, MN 55344

Dear Mr. Hill:

Working with _______________(COMPANY) has truly been a tremendous opportunity. Your progressive employee training and development program has brought me professional growth and given me valuable experiences. I hope in the time I have been here, I have equally been able to contribute to _______________(COMPANY)’s goals and objectives. I feel, however, that the time has come for me to move on.
I have accepted an offer with _______________(COMPANY). Please understand that my decision has nothing to do with the exceptional opportunity you have provided for me here. _______________(COMPANY) has been an exciting and stimulating place to work, and I genuinely appreciate all of your support and help with my responsibilities.

In order to continue our positive relationship, I want to assure you that I wish to be as helpful as possible in this transition and in the shift of responsibilities to my new replacement.


Drew Sterling

Personal Reasons

January 1, 2006

David Rubin
44720 Howard Drive
South Easton, DE 19720-1295

Dear Mr. Rubin:
I have spent _______________(NUMBER) rewarding years with _______________(COMPANY) in which I have certainly learned and grown a great deal. I believe that I have been able to contribute to a variety of challenging situations and I appreciate the opportunity _______________(COMPANY) has given me. It is truly with much regret that I must extend my letter of resignation at this time.
Although the latest possible date for me to leave is _____________(DATE), I am more than willing to set up a consulting agreement to continue working in a part-time manner with _____________(COMPANY).
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to you and the entire staff for your support, understanding, patience, cooperation, and encouragement. I will always remember my time at _______________(COMPANY) for the personal growth it afforded me and for the numerous friendships I made.

Drew Sterling

Position Eliminated

January 1, 2006

Nichole Cohen
65437 Stoney Creek Road
Philidelphia, MN 55446-0396

Dear Ms. Cohen:

With _____________(COMPANY)’s current decision to downsize, as you know my position is being eliminated at this time. I appreciate the help and assistance you have given me to explore new job opportunities and to find new employment. It is with pleasure that I wish to inform you that my search has been successful.
During the next two weeks, I am willing to help in any way that I can to facilitate a smooth transition for all concerned.

Thank you for your understanding and patience under these extreme circumstances.


Drew Sterling