
Enjoy New Challenges

January 1, 2006

David Johnson
3185 Hollywood Lane
Philidelphia, MN 55446-0396

Dear Mr. Johnson:

Interviewing for a position with _______________(COMPANY) has been very informative. The best part is getting to know so many creative and bright people. I look forward to furthering this relationship.
From my interview last week, I fully understand that you are looking for someone who is ready to take on new issues and challenges in today’s market. With a degree in _______________(FIELD), I am prepared to participate in an exciting and challenging career in _______________(FIELD). My education focused on leading edge _______________(FIELD) issues and prepared me for the future with a unique blend of knowledge and leadership skills. I believe that puts me in an ideal position to offer my services to your firm.

Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me and to review my resume for the position of _______________(TITLE). It is with great interest and enthusiasm that I suggested that my candidacy be considered.


Drew Sterling