
Commendation Excerpts

January 1, 2006

Kent Cash
53700 Bellervue Common
Glendale, AZ 85308

Dear Mr. Cash:

Instead of the standard rhetoric usually found in a cover letter, I would prefer to let others substantiate the claims made on my resume. The following are excerpts from letters of commendation, and can be provided in their entirety if needed.

1. Character, Hard Work Ñ Drew is a reassuring and poised professional, making an important contribution to the organization. He is an engaging and intellectually curious individual, always seeking opportunities to learn. Drew has the highest moral and personal character, is totally dependable and will perform superbly under extreme pressure.

2. Team Player Ñ Most impressive is Drew's keen ability to interact and engage in conversation, work, travels, etc. with individuals from any background (street vendors to government officials). He is respectful, interested and disarming, and as such, makes a favorable impression on all he met.

3. Work Ethic Ñ Drew has strong interpersonal skills, combined with an enviable capacity for acquiring and retaining knowledge, which made him an outstanding representative of __________(COMPANY) in foreign countries. These qualities will make Drew a success in any endeavor he chooses and is recommended most highly and without reservation.

4. Dedication Ñ Drew is efficient, and possesses excellent interpersonal skills and self-confidence. He is always ready to help out in an emergency situation. While awaiting a long awaited leave, Drew heard of an emergency in __________(LOCATION) and immediately canceled his leave and volunteered his assistance for two weeks, where he spent long hours helping __________(TITLE) and providing __________(ACTIVITY) for which he received a citation from __________(TITLE).

Please consider my qualifications and contact me at your earliest convenience with any questions or comments, or to schedule a personal meeting.

Thank you,

Drew Sterling
