
Sending Updated Resume

January 1, 2006

Sharon Boyd
96396 Bellervue Common
Shawsville, VA 24162

Mr. Boyd:

I have recently updated my resume and ask that you consider me once again for a position within your firm. I believe the new skills and experience reflected on my resume will exceed your expections.
If I could take a moment more of your time to present my qualifications, I would remind you that I am a versatile, broadly experienced _______________(TITLE) professional with a solid record of achievement in _______________(FIELD) for leading firms in the highly competitive _______________(FIELD) industry. I have over _______________(NUMBER) years of experience and thrive within a high-pressure environment. I have a consistent history of managing undertakings and details to get results.

I will call again on _______________(DATE) to answer any questions you might have.


Drew Sterling