
Recapping Telephone Interview

January 1, 2006

Vincent Smith
77110 Tavern Green Place
Baltimore, MD 21209

Dear Mr. Smith:

I want to thank you for taking the time to speak with me yesterday over the telephone regarding the ___________(TITLE) position at _______________(COMPANY). I value your frankness, helpfulness, and direction. I finished our conversation feeling very positive about the possibility of working for your company.
In order to restate what I can bring to your company, I am known to: bring a positive mental attitude, experience, education, and a goal-oriented mentality; work well with others; have an insatiable appetite to gain and apply new knowledge; have gained valuable business sense through everyday experience.

Once again, thank you for your time and help. I will set up another appointment next week as we discussed, and follow-up on the possibilities you mentioned.


Drew Sterling