
Seeking Same Industry

January 1, 2006

Vincent Bauman
76617 S. Euclid Circle
Worcester, MA 02375

Dear Mr. Bauman:
I am very pleased to hear of the _______________(TITLE) position available with your company. I have enclosed my resume for your review that outlines how my experience would prove beneficial to your company.
You and I share a professional history in the _______________(FIELD) industry. Over the last year or so, I have been exploring my next career step. I am convinced that the best way to apply my talents and interests is to pursue a position in _______________(FIELD). In that light, I would appreciate meeting with you personally.

If you have any current openings, or anticipate any in the near future, I would welcome the opportunity to interview for them. I will be calling in the coming days to discuss opportunities with your company and a possible interview. Have a great day and I thank you for taking the time to review my credentials.


Drew Sterling
