January 1, 2006
Maria Taylor
72579 Greene Common
Arlington, TX 76016
Dear Ms. Taylor:
As a __________(TITLE) demonstrating not only exceptional technical expertise and decisive leadership, enabling the implementation of dramatic change management strategies, I also demonstrate the qualities sometimes more elusive in engineers Ð outstanding interpersonal and communication skills - and believe the enclosed resume will be of interest to you.
Throughout my professional career I have consistently been sought after and have received rapid promotions in recognition of my skills, my commitment and my accomplishments while working with organizations such as __________(COMPANY) and at __________(INSTITUTION). I present the following brief summary for your consideration:
¯ Achieved outstanding turnaround of demoralized team to harmonious, committed, productive team consistently meeting all deadlines and proactively identifying strategies to increase performance and cut expenditure.
¯ Strong history of vital project management including __________(TITLE) project.
¯ Recipient __________(TITLE) Award for __________(ACCOMPLISHMENT). Implemented broad ranging strategies to ensure rapid recovery and long-term capability.
¯ Bachelor of __________(TITLE) majoring in __________(FIELD). Member of __________(TITLE).
These in some respects are the cold hard facts. What is more difficult to portray is my intense satisfaction working with individuals to build effective, motivated teams, taking and solving complex problems and seeing a successful and growing company and knowing that I have played an integral part.
Though happy in my current position, we are seeking to relocate in __________(LOCATION).
Realizing that this summary, in conjunction with my attached resume, can only give an outline to my abilities, I would appreciate the opportunity of discussing this position with you further, and discussing my commitment to make a positive difference within __________(COMPANY). I look forward to speaking with you soon.
Drew Sterling