
For Relocation Assistance

January 1, 2006

Glen Coleman
87646 Fifth Blvd.
Seattle, WA 98136

Dear Mr. Coleman:

Even though I have a tremendous passion for my job here in __________(LOCATION), it's not my family's hometown and we are anxious to move back to __________(LOCATION). In order to be successful at this endeavor, I realize I need contacts, people who are willing to be my eyes and ears and let me know about opportunities. Would you be willing to provide that kind of help and guidance? My resume is attached for your review and to give you a better understanding of my background.

Here is a brief overview on my qualifications. I'm an executive manager with a large grocery chain, with more than __(NUMBER) years experience in leadership positions. I started out as a store director and earned my way up the corporate ladder to unit director and team leader. My reputation is built on hard work, strong work ethics, honesty, mutual respect with all employees, and the highest integrity. Currently, my position requires that I wear multiple hats.

I was brought to __________(ACTIVITY) and this has become a very important aspect of my job. My involvement is everything from concept to opening. The two most recent projects were completed under budget and saved a significant amount of money. My primary focus, however, is managing one of the store's I opened, the __________(NUMBER) location. It is on track to produce $__(AMOUNT) million in annual revenue this year, which is well above our expectations. Additionally, I serve as a leader and mentor to executive management personnel at three other stores. I assist them in creating an atmosphere that promotes success.

My greatest strength is my ability to work cohesively and create synergy, not only throughout my store but also with the other partners who are part of my team. Because of an open door policy, everyone feels comfortable approaching me with opportunities, issues, and to ask for advice. When you are expecting people to take higher than normal risks, it is especially important to let them know that their unit and team leader is there to provide support, leadership, and a safety net.

I realize you have a busy schedule, so I will call you at the beginning of next week to follow up and answer any questions you might have.


Drew Sterling
