
Request Another Interview

January 1, 2006

Kent Cash
34968 Normandy Blvd.
New Castle, CA 91360-0396

Dear Mr. Cash:

My interest in working for _______________(COMPANY) and the _______________(DEPARTMENT) has increased tremendously since my interview with _______________(NAME) last week. You are obviously looking for a dedicated professional who can make a difference on the team. I am looking for a team that pushes the limits of what can be accomplished. Our objectives seem perfectly aligned.
As you mentioned in our interview, you need people who can think and act quickly in tight situations and who can deal with a variety of different types of personnel. Throughout my career, I have been recognized by supervisors for carrying twice the workload of most employees. I am proficient in time management, quick to learn new tasks, and have accomplished noted achievements in professional areas requiring diplomacy, confidentiality, and/or sensitivity.

I've included an updated copy of my resume so you can review once again my experience and capabilities. I think another personal meeting would really give you the opportunity to judge my _______________(FIELD) abilities.


Drew Sterling