
Post Graduate

January 1, 2006

Louis Steuber
29058 Seawind Terrace
Apt. 411
Glendale, AZ 85308

Dear Mr. Steuber:

As the economy takes an upturn, companies are hiring again and the employment outlook is looking up. However, this does not mean that companies relax their standards in hiring candidates. I believe that candidates who have an ability to contribute value-added solutions are an asset to any organization, especially in __________(FIELD), which is why I am now stating my interest in the position of __________(TITLE) currently available within your organization.

My four years of university study have been spent fruitfully, and I have emerged trained in not only complex technical skills, but also in problem-solving and research ability. In addition, I possess a quality that few candidates possess: a willingness to over-deliver.

My willingness to go to great lengths to produce high quality work is most evident in the way my thesis was completed. Upon discovering some inconsistencies in a previous research report, I conducted additional research to fully understand and verify the accuracy of the report. The end result was a strong grasp of the subject and resulting efficiency increase of __(NUMBER)% in the production process.

A bilingual individual actively involved in sports, my academic credentials also speak for themselves with two __________(TITLE) awards to my name. Please contact me at __________ should you see me as a suitable candidate for a __________(TITLE) in __________(COMPANY). Thank you for your time and consideration.


Drew Sterling
