
Co Volunteer

January 1, 2006

Thomas Mack
79773 West River Place
Philadelphia, MN 55446-0396

Dear Mr. Mack:

In our years together serving on fundraisers and donation drives for ____________(INSTITUTION), we have often discussed our careers and plans. I have decided recently to pursue my plans to begin a new job search and would like to list you as one of my references.

The __________(TITLE) position I have targeted will enable me to apply many of the skills I have acquired throughout my professional career and my experience performing volunteer work for _________(INSTITUTION). In particular, I anticipate obtaining a position in which I can apply high-level organizational skills, leadership and motivational support, and an aggressive work ethic.

Thank you for considering my request. I will call next week to confirm that I may include your name and your preferred contact information on my list of references, or you can contact me at _______(PHONE/E-MAIL).


Drew Sterling
