
Restate Qualifications

January 1, 2006

Mitchell Klein
73540 Cedar Terrace
Suite 222
Shawsville, VA 24162

Dear Mr. Klein:

I want to thank you for taking the time to speak with me yesterday over the telephone regarding the ___________(TITLE) position at _______________(COMPANY). I value your frankness, helpfulness, and direction. I finished our conversation feeling very positive about the possibility of working for your company.
As I mentioned before, my overall qualifications include _______________(ACCOMPLISHMENT). I have consistently achieved high performance evaluations and am recognized as one of the top contributors within the field. Knowing your company's specific personnel needs, I can easily see a match with my experience. Thank you for your consideration.

I plan to be in the _______________(LOCATION) on _______________ (DATE). I look forward to meeting with you in person.


Drew Sterling