
Former Military

January 1, 2006

Stan Chang
95435 West Geary Circle
Annandale, NH 03461

Dear Mr. Chang:

Managing and motivating large groups of personnel under high-pressure circumstances while maintaining 100% accuracy is what I do best. I have coordinated and directed groups in excess of _____(NUMBER) during complex operations with responsibility for multimillion-dollar equipment, and have consistently received commendation from superiors for outstanding performance.

I chose not to re-enlist after __(NUMBER) successful years with the ___________(SERVICE) in favor of a civilian career. I am seeking the opportunity to transition my experience into a corporate organization where I can continue to plan, strategize, and direct projects.

The energy, professionalism, and discipline I will bring to ___________(COMPANY), paired with my responsiveness to ever-changing business conditions will streamline operations, improve morale, and ensure continued success. This will positively impact your company's productivity and bottom line.

Although my resume is detailed, it cannot convey the full level of my team-mentality and communication skills. My desire to intensively interact with others has sharpened my ability to quickly build rapport and gain trust from superiors and subordinates. You will find that I am a fast learner who knows both how to give and take direction.

I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your challenges and my qualifications. I will call in a few days to arrange a time that is convenient for you. In the meantime, if you need more information, please feel free to call me at ___________(PHONE/E-MAIL).


Drew Sterling
