
Strong Negotiation Skills

January 1, 2006

Sharon Doyle
98004 Tenth Ave.
Suite 499
Baltimore, MD 21209

Dear Ms. Doyle:
I would like to thank you for the time you gave me to discuss the position you have open at _______________(COMPANY). Given our recent discussion, I am aware that the job description for _______________(TITLE) describes an individual who is skilled in negotiation and who has a demonstrated ability to assess risk and respond appropriately. With my background in _______________(FIELD), I am sure that you can see that my marketable strengths and expertise are completely in alignment with this description.

In addition to my experience, skills, and qualifications, I am an experienced team player who brings enthusiasm and energy into group efforts. I know that I can meet and exceed your expectations.

I will call you later this week to arrange another time to meet.


Drew Sterling
