
Personal Reasons

January 1, 2006

David Rubin
44720 Howard Drive
South Easton, DE 19720-1295

Dear Mr. Rubin:
I have spent _______________(NUMBER) rewarding years with _______________(COMPANY) in which I have certainly learned and grown a great deal. I believe that I have been able to contribute to a variety of challenging situations and I appreciate the opportunity _______________(COMPANY) has given me. It is truly with much regret that I must extend my letter of resignation at this time.
Although the latest possible date for me to leave is _____________(DATE), I am more than willing to set up a consulting agreement to continue working in a part-time manner with _____________(COMPANY).
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to you and the entire staff for your support, understanding, patience, cooperation, and encouragement. I will always remember my time at _______________(COMPANY) for the personal growth it afforded me and for the numerous friendships I made.

Drew Sterling