
Senior Management

January 1, 2006

Sam Soto
6933 Evans Court
Baltimore, MD 21209

Dear Mr. Soto:
I would like to thank you again for the opportunity to interview with your firm. The reputation of _______________(COMPANY) stands by itself, and speaks of integrity, innovation, and a new generation of service. You are known to employ some of the most talented and hard working individuals in the business. I have a reputation as a highly successful _______________(TITLE) with experience in _______________(FIELD), _______________(FIELD), and _______________(FIELD). I am very interested in pursuing a mutually positive alliance with your firm.
My background includes substantial experience in _______________(FIELD), _______________(FIELD), and _______________(FIELD). With _______________(NUMBER) years of progressively senior management experience, I have logged a very satisfying record of achievement.

I believe that I have the exact background that you are seeking. I will call again next week to check on the progress of your search.


Drew Sterling