
For Recommendation

January 1, 2006

Mary Eddg
1587 LaCasita Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94538

Dear Ms. Eddg:

I want to thank you and the other staff members at _______________(COMPANY) for taking a day to get acquainted. For me, it was a day well spent. I see now why _______________(ACTIVITY) is so important to _______________(COMPANY). Furthermore, after a day of learning and reflection, I'm positive that I can contribute to the _______________(FIELD) field in a positive way.
My career search has been a powerful and positive experience. It seemed likely that my next job would come from the recommendation of a friend and I’m glad it was you.
If at any time in the future with my new company I may be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Drew Sterling
