

January 1, 2006

Louis Wallis
30667 Deer Ridge Place
Mission Viejo, MD 21740

Dear Mr. Wallis:

I am following up on our conversation last week in which we discussed the progress I have been making in my search for a ________(FIELD) job. Your offer to assist with a letter of reference is much appreciated. I am thankful for your continued support and advice.

In the _________(TITLE) position I am seeking, three qualities are most pertinent: attention to detail, ability to follow through without supervision, and providing quality service. It would be helpful if your reference letter described some of the ways that I exhibited these qualities, for example, when I managed the _________(TITLE) project. You might also mention the __________(TITLE) award I received.

Our years working together at ___________(COMPANY) were rewarding and productive. Thank you for your offer to provide a letter of reference. I will call you in a few days to verify your contact information, or I can be reached directly at ________(PHONE/E-MAIL).


Drew Sterling
