
Moving to Larger Company

January 1, 2006

Stan Chang
95435 West Geary Circle
Annandale, NH 03461

Dear Mr. Chang:

I am a/an _________________(TITLE) with ___(NUMBER) years of experience in the field of ________________(FIELD). I am in search of a position with a larger company in the same industry, and would appreciate an opportunity to discuss my qualifications with you. Enclosed is my resume for your review.

For the past _______________(NUMBER) years, I have held ___________(NUMBER) positions with increased responsibility in the areas of _____________(FIELD) and ________________(FIELD). I have extensive experience in managing ____________(ACTIVITY) projects and was integrally involved in finding a solution for ___________(ITEM) by using ___________(ITEM) technology. I have also served on the ___________(TITLE) Committee for ________(NUMBER) years.

I believe a larger company would benefit from my experience. I will contact your office next week to discuss possible opportunities, or I can be reached at ____________(PHONE/E-MAIL). I look forward to speaking with you.


Drew Sterling
