
Product Marketing

January 1, 2006

Thomas Mack
79773 West River Place
Philidelphia, MN 55446-0396

Dear Mr. Mack:

Enclosed is my resume, which documents my achievements in the promotion and marketing of quality products that increase sales and improve annual revenues. My diverse background has contributed to my success and will contribute to your company's bottom line. I flourish in a creative environment that provides challenges, allows strong customer relationships to be developed, and enables me to directly contribute to an organization's goals and objectives.

Highlights of my experience include:

Successful marketing for such prestigious firms/products as __________(ITEM), __________(ITEM), and __________(ITEM).

Experienced, creative, and flexible promoter of a variety of products and services.

Highly advanced Ôpeople skills' enabling me to interact and establish strong customer and client relations that promote and market effectively.

Embrace the challenges key to demonstrating pride of mastery in marketing quality products to dominance.

Strong work ethic coupled with high achievement and passion to succeed.

Strong entrepreneurial spirit and advanced business sense.

I will contact you in a few days to confirm receipt of my resume, to answer any questions you may have, and to schedule an interview at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your consideration, I look forward to the possibility of meeting with you.


Drew Sterling
