
Community Leader Solicitation

January 1, 2006

Mark McGinty
47643 Greene Blvd.
Mission Viejo, MD 21740

Dear Mr. McGinty:
I am writing to you as a member of the _______________(TITLE) Association. After _______________(NUMBER) years in the _______________(FIELD) industry, I am planning a career move. As a leader in the community, I feel you might be in a position to suggest avenues that I may take in this pursuit.
As the enclosed resume indicates, I have a _______________(DEGREE) in _______________(FIELD) and _______________(NUMBER) years of experience in the _______________(FIELD) field. I am known for my attention to detail, problem-solving skills, and ability to meet tight deadlines.
I will call you next week after you have had a chance to review my resume. Perhaps we can set up a convenient time to meet.


Drew Sterling
