
Expert in Field

January 1, 2006

Sean Johannessen
10187 California Common
Arlington, TX 76016

Dear Mr. Johannessen:
I am writing to present my credentials for the position of _______________(TITLE), a position for which I am exceptionally well qualified. I am confident that you will quickly realize my ability to make major contributions to your firm upon reviewing the enclosed resume.

Your company interests me and I would like the opportunity to discuss in person how my expertise could help your company grow, and in the process, start me on a new career path. I am known as an individual who takes charge and responsibility for planning and executing challenging projects and for being a talented and determined individual who accomplishes results.

If you seek a knowledgeable professional to _______________(ACTIVITY), I hope that you will give me a call so that we may discuss your requirements and the contributions I can make to your company.


Drew Sterling
