
From Supervisor

January 1, 2006

Steve Smith
31220 Rock Willow Blvd.
Seattle, WA 98136

Dear Mr. Smith:

This letter will serve as a letter of recommendation for _______________(NAME) who worked for our company in the capacity of _______________(TITLE). As his/her supervisor, I have had many opportunities to identify his/her superior work habits and skill levels.

During _______________(NAME)'s time with our company, he/she was responsible for _______________(ACTIVITY). In addition to a high energy level, _______________(NAME) demonstrated a high level of commitment, a willingness to accept responsibility, and the interpersonal skills necessary to handle conflict and challenging situations.

In my years of supervising employees at _______________(COMPANY), I believe that _______________(NAME) was one of the few employees I have worked with that seemed to recognize that excellence is a journey and not a destination.

I would highly recommend _______________(NAME) for a position with your firm. Your company will benefit from any association that will allow him/her to demonstrate his/her intelligence, cooperation, and self-confidence.


Drew Sterling