
Highlights Career Experience

January 1, 2006

Donna Gordon
58879 Second Ave.
Apt. 474
New Castle, CA 91360-0396

Dear Ms. Gordon:

I am a/an _______________(TITLE) with an excellent documentable record of accomplishment and success in my field. Highlights of my background include _______________(ACCOMPLISHMENT), _______________(ACCOMPLISHMENT), and _______________(ACCOMPLISHMENT). I believe that my qualifications, along with my drive and determination, would make me an excellent candidate for a position with _______________(COMPANY).
With _______________(NUMBER) years solid _______________(FIELD) experience with emphasis on _______________(ACTIVITY), I am a recognized problem-solver. I also have a solid reputation for realizing corporate goals and objectives and enjoy working independently as well as in a group. Additional details are provided on my resume.
My resume is enclosed. Thank you for reviewing my credentials. I look forward to hearing from you.


Drew Sterling
