
Inquire About Openings

January 1, 2006

Greg Beyer
25435 Hammond Road
New Castle, CA 91360-0396

Dear Mr. Beyer:

As someone who has devoted nearly _______________(NUMBER) years to the study of _______________(FIELD), I was more than intrigued by the recent accomplishments of your company in developing and promoting _______________(ITEM). My purpose in writing is to inquire about whether you might have any positions available in _______________(DEPARTMENT).
I have strong evaluation, planning, and leadership skills. I also have the motivation and drive to be an asset to any company. I consistently present a high-profile, professional demeanor, complemented by a positive, "can-do" attitude.

I welcome the opportunity to elaborate on how I could make a substantial contribution to your organization. I look forward to talking with you soon. Thank you.


Drew Sterling
