
Professional Advice

January 1, 2006

Ron Kridler
44072 Gough Blvd.
Glendale, AZ 85308

Dear Mr. Krindler:
As the _______________(TITLE) of one of the most renowned companies in the _______________(FIELD) industry, I feel you might be in a position to give me advice concerning my career. I have been active in the _______________(FIELD) field since _______________(DATE), and have experience in _______________(ACTIVITY) and _______________(ACTIVITY). I am seeking a career change at this time and would appreciate any suggestions you may have.
I am a/an _______________(TITLE) with over _______________(NUMBER) year's experience in the field who is ready to pursue a new career using the skills that I have sharpened through my previous work experience. It seems that working for _______________(COMPANY) would provide the opportunity to combine my experience with today's corporate objectives.

I will be contacting you in the next few days to set up an appointment. Thanks again for your help.


Drew Sterling
