
Recent Education

January 1, 2006

Donna Gordon
58879 Second Ave.
Apt. 474
New Castle, CA 91360-0396

Dear Ms. Gordon:

Recently, we discussed our career plans and our aspirations for the future. As I mentioned then, my career is at the point where I would welcome new challenges. Since we have worked closely in the past, I would like to list you as a reference as I search for employment opportunities.

I am planning to move from my current role as a __________(TITLE) into a ______(TITLE) position where I can develop greater technical expertise, formulate plans for complex installations, and expand my management experience. To support this transition, I have recently completed the __________(TITLE) course at __________(INSTITUTION), which provided me with a deeper understanding of __________(FIELD) and __________(FIELD).

I will call to confirm that it is acceptable to include your name on my list of references. If you have any questions in the meantime, I can be reached at _______(PHONE/E-MAIL). Thank you, in advance, for helping me out with this request.


Drew Sterling
