
Senior Level Position

January 1, 2006

Terry Coobs
53760 Bellervue Common
Arlington, TX 76016

Dear Mr. Coobs:
I am seeking opportunities with your firm as a/an _______________(TITLE). I would bring to your organization over _______________(NUMBER) years experience. I have a/an _______________(FIELD) background, and am willing to learn and adapt to new and innovative approaches within the field. I am very result-oriented and work at my best when I'm pushing to achieve a goal within an organization.
I have developed a successful career in _______________(FIELD). I am skilled at bringing a diversity of people together to pursue a common goal whether within a/an firm or among partner institutions. While _______________(TITLE) of _______________(COMPANY), I accomplished _______________(ACCOMPLISHMENT).

Should you have room in your organization for a top-notch _______________(FIELD) professional who is capable of making immediate contributions to your _______________(ACTIVITY) efforts and adding some real profit to your bottom line, please give me a call. I look forward to hearing from you.


Drew Sterling
