
Visiting the Area

January 1, 2006

Tom Roberson
7110 Fourth Ave.
Apt. 455
Philidelphia, MN 55446-0396

Dear Mr. Roberson:
I am moving to _______________(LOCATION), and I understand that your company is one of the area's leading firms in _______________(FIELD) and _______________(FIELD). If you need a _______________(TITLE), I think I could make a contribution right away.

With _______________(NUMBER) year's solid _______________(FIELD) experience with emphasis on _______________(ACTIVITY), I am a recognized problem-solver. I also have a solid reputation for upholding high ethical standards while realizing corporate goals and objectives and enjoy working independently as well as in a group. Additional details are provided on my resume.

I plan to be in the _______________(LOCATION) area from _______________(DATE) to _______________(DATE) and will call you on _______________(DATE) to make an appointment. If you wish to reach me sooner, please call.


Drew Sterling
