
Resumes by Career: Military Transition

Administrative Professional Military

Lee Robertson
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


~ With Organizational and Interpersonal Expertise ~

Highly skilled individual with strong leadership and motivational skills that consistently produce positive change. Resourceful and analytical nature results in improved operational efficiency. Adept at making decisions and multi-tasking during fast-paced and stressful situations. Excellent interpersonal skills; interact favourably with others from all cultures and backgrounds. Skilled at maintaining positive relationships while working to resolve problems. Sincere and honest with a high level of personal and professional integrity. Some French speaking capability. Genuine team player. Fast learner, eager to take on new challenges. Strengths include:

• Accounting & Financial Reporting • Production Scheduling
• Workload Prioritization • Contract Administration
• Confidentiality Assurance • Sound Decision Making
• Concurrent Project Management • Business Writing, Letters & Memos
• Budget Co-ordination • Training & Team Leadership


Windows, Word, Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, QuickBooks, Simply Accounting, Outlook, Internet, Proprietary Engineering / Tasking / Financial Management programs.


1974 - 2001

Edmonton, Alberta
1999 - 2001
Selected to provide administrative, financial and technical expertise for 1,000 deployed personnel from various trades in both overseas and local operations. Trusted with, and accountable for the security and proper filing of top-secret documentation regarding Bosnia and Kosovo operations.

• Directed Base Cost Centre with 200K annual budget. Detail orientation, combined with solid scrutinizing capabilities reconciled a significant number of incorrectly assigned expenditures for Bosnia operations. Rectified discrepancies, resulting in a properly managed / balanced budget.
• Spearheaded the creation of new filing system and status board for the Battalion Commander and Operations Officer. This provided a clearer vision of the battalion's personnel and equipment availability for upcoming operations.
• Interfaced clearly with others. Cited for, "oral and written communications skills that exceeded the standard when co-ordinating personnel tasks with higher and sub-unit headquarters."

Petawawa, Ontario
1995 - 1999
Served as a senior administrative professional in this Canadian Military Engineers office. Oversaw the work performance of three others.

• Trusted to develop and supervise newly formed Standing Offer Agreement (SOA) Cell which enabled the seamless co-ordination of contractual agreements totaling $1.65M for materials purchase to support growing base infrastructure. Identified the need and sourced a consultant to computerize accounts payable and tendering renewals.
• Defined, then drafted Procedural Guidelines to standardize procurement and accounts payable processes. Followed through with extensive and supportive staff training.

Goose Bay, Labrador
1991 - 1995
Sole administrative co-ordinator in this demanding dual role requiring responsibilities in two departments of the Construction and Engineering section. Prepared monthly financial forecasts and managed departmental budget affiliated with special projects and base infrastructure repairs and maintenance. Concurrently supervised 7 professionals in Accounting and 4 in the Works
Control divisions.

• Skill-set recognized by superiors. Selected as Keynote speaker for an audience of 600 Military and Civilian personnel. Presentation Topic: "Cost Cutting to Prevent Base Closure"
• Team leader for the Construction Engineering Redesign Team.
• Assigned chief administrator's role for a $1M Base Hospital renovation project including finances, timekeeping, all project documentation and materials acquisition.


Academy of Learning College, Edmonton, Alberta
• Canadian Forces Tasking Program
• Internal Auditors
• Financial Process Auditing
• Senior Leadership & HR Management
• Harassment, Cultural Awareness & Diversity
• Stress Management
• Personnel Management
• St. Johns Ambulance First Aid / CPR
• (Construction Engineers Management System) Function Manager
• Practices & Principals of Civilian Management
• Financial Management Accounting System: User Level, Accounts Payable, Budgets and Revenue


United Way Canvasser, Parent Council President / Elementary School Volunteer, Secretary - Vimy Fundraising Society and Chair - Social Functions Committee.

PRWRA Audrey Field - Résumé Resources - 6 Andrew Court, Wasaga Beach, Ontario, Canada L0L 2P0 - http://www.ResumeResources.ca - info@resumeresources.ca - 1.877.204.9737

Automation Specialist Military

Pat Hernandez
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Dedicated and proven professional Human Resources Manager with expertise in staffing, training and employee development, performance appraisal systems, benefits, awards, promotion processes, and personnel management. Dynamic team leader, motivating teams to set and achieve ambitious goals. Outstanding communication skills both written and oral. Strong organizational and administration skills. Flexible with adept multi-tasking skills. Strong work ethic. Current student, SHRM Certification. Computer proficiency in MS Office.


Department of Army, Ft. Belvoir, GA
2003 - Present
Administration & Automation Specialist
• Serve as Information Management Officer, Security Officer and Terminal Area Security Officer.
• Design and implement plans providing training, administration, budget, logistics and supply functions for busy human resource division of theater-level Army Headquarters.
• Manage and maintain Human Resources Information systems.
• Design, perform and secure appropriate training for employees.
• Provide administrative support ensuring timely and accurate reporting.

U.S. Army, Ft. Belvoir, GA
2000 - 2003
Senior Human Resource Manager
• Provided Human Resource expertise in designing, drafting and implementing policies for benefits, promotions, awards, and dress code.
• Oversaw and managed staff of 50 employees, ensuring appropriate training for employees.
• Identified and analyzed key strategic policy issues and recommended appropriate changes and updates.
• Coordinated and approved efficient and effective staffing initiatives, resulting in 98% on time staffing.
• Collaborated in short- and long-term planning for contingency operations involving over 30,000 personnel.
• Performed event planning, coordinating and organizing successful Army Career and Alumni Program with global participants.
• Represented Agency during negotiations resulting in effective reduction of travel, time and training expenditures for 20 employees.
• Managed train-the-trainer program providing outstanding facilitator training.
• Provided HR assistance and expertise to representatives in three countries.
• Conceived, initiated and established Personnel Leaders Conference, providing forum for HR managers to brainstorm and discuss changes, new initiatives and their impact and develop implementation strategies.

U.S. Army, Ft. Campbell, KY
1998 - 2000
Senior Human Resource Manager
• Collaborated and advised on issues concerning staffing and utilization, performance appraisals, awards and promotions, and casualty and mortuary, servicing over 25,000 employees.
• Designed, managed and implemented training and quality-of-life initiatives for staff of over 50 employees.
• Developed and implemented career development and career counseling programs to enhance the skills and abilities of employees and to provide appropriate succession planning.
• Created, developed, wrote and implemented 40-hour training program on Personnel and Administration for Human Resource Centers. Successfully trained 75 senior managers within 4 months.
• Efficiently reorganized the Human Resource Headquarters support staff, providing more efficient operations.
• Oversaw security and maintenance of 3 buildings and $200K of computer equipment.
• Developed and implemented New Employee Sponsorship Program, providing sponsorship packets to employees graduating from Advanced Individual Training.
• Successfully managed government credit card program.

U.S. Army, Ft. Lee, VA
1996 - 1997
Supervisor, Human Resource Management Office
• Supervised and developed 5 employees ensuring competency and skills to be successful in positions.
• Performed skills training, mentoring, motivating and performance counseling.
• Significantly improved personnel programs and initiatives through proactive performance checklists, skills assessments and monitoring.
• Conceived and implemented monthly training sessions for HR employees and senior staff, improving communications and designing innovative programs and policies.
• Instituted procedures to review, update and maintain personnel records for all employees. Coordinated and planned one-on-one benefits counseling for all employees.

U.S. Army
1993 - 1995
Various locations and positions including, Manager, Staffing, and Personnel Information Supervisor.


University of Maryland, Heidelberg, Germany
B.A., Business & Management

University of Maryland, College Park, MD


Honored as Best in U.S. Army Europe for Human Resource Information System processing.
Exceeded Army standards for both timeliness and accuracy in processing performance evaluations.
Earned 98% customer satisfaction rating.


Current student, SHRM Certification, Human Resource Management Certification Course
Graduate, Executive Leadership Management

PRWRA Cory Edwards - Partnering For Success, LLC - Sterling, Virginia 20165 - Resumes4results.com - Resumewriter@aol.com - 703-444-7835 - 703-444-2005 fax

Instructor Former Military

Drew Anderson
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


• Recognized for event planning excellence. Won numerous awards.
• Genuine team player; committed to organizational success.
• Thorough; detail and process oriented; strong follow-through skills.
• Work well under pressure and able to meet tight deadlines.
• Take pride in ability to motivate, energize and lead to successful outcomes.
• Tireless work ethic. Committed to project completion.
• Sincere and honest with a high level of personal and professional integrity.


US Air Force, Helix Airbase, MT
2000 - Present
• Instructor/ Supervisor for School Standard Department.
• Monitored and completed personal development reports for instructors.
• Continually volunteered to translate lesson plans and exam questions to ensure continuity in course terminology.
• Organized trip for the "The Air Force Symposium".

US Air Force, Helix Airbase, MT
1993 - 2000
• Advanced to rank of Sergeant.
• Supervisor in charge of maintenance crew for aircraft.
• Coordinated flow of aircraft maintenance rectifications efficiently in order to ensure timely flying status.
• Established priorities and allocated personnel and equipment resources to meet these needs.
• Organized all training and certification procedures, ensuring the required standards were met.

US Air Force, Helix Airbase, MT
1989 - 1993
• Promoted from Corporal to Master Corporal.
• Selected to participate in an aircraft safety video production. Recognized for patiently and accurately contributing to this tedious and technically demanding subject.
• Dual responsibilities as Shop Supervisor and Quality Control Inspector for Tool Control within the Aerospace Maintenance Development Unit.
• Spearheaded a special project involving a committee that orchestrated 50th Anniversary celebrations. Received positive recognition from Lieutenant Colonel citing, "outstanding, with a positive 'will do' attitude throughout the entire period."

US Air Force, Helix Airbase, MT
1982 - 1989
• Achieved "Airframe Journeyman Technician" status.
• Utilized analytical and technical skills to repair and trouble shoot for all aircraft systems.

US Air Force, Helix Airbase, MT
1981 - 1982
• Received notification from Lieutenant Colonel requesting a "For Professionalism" award. Keen eye for detail led to the identification of a structural flaw on trailing edge flap of aircraft. Situation was rectified and resulted in the investigation of 6 more aircraft with similar defects, potentially saving many lives.


• Commanding Officer's Certificate of Achievement: noted for, "displaying outstanding initiative in proposing, planning and organizing 1992 Winter Carnival."
• Base Commander's Commendation: citing "Outstanding services, professionalism, and dedication toward work."
• Guest Speaker for Basic Flight Safety Courses.


WINDOWS 98/2000, Word, Word Perfect, Excel, PowerPoint, e-mail, Internet, fax, scan.


• Instructor Supervisor Course
• Junior Leader/Management Course
• Ambulance Safety
• Training Analysis, Design, and Evaluation
• Aircraft Aviation Technician
• General Safety Officer
• Occupational Health and Safety
• Numerous technical courses

Graduated grade 12 Washington High School, Helena, MT.

PRWRA Audrey Field - Résumé Resources - Wasaga Beach, Ontario, Canada - http://www.resumeresources.ca

Liasion Manager Military

Kerry Cordova
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


• 15+ years' experience in Management with expertise in supervising personnel, managing overall costs and budgets and working with multiple organizations in complex overseas operations.
• Communicates effectively in English, German, and Croatian.
• Exceptional skills in working with communities and community leaders in times of crisis to provide assistance where and when needed. Extensive logistics background in supply and shipping.
• Outstanding experience in public relations, political liaison work in foreign lands with multinational agencies, forces and government officials.
• Works well in teams or individually to achieve goals and objectives. Successful in building teams of workers dedicated to getting the job done right.


United States Army
1982 - 2002
Community Aide/Liaison Manager
Responsible for working directly with multinational agencies, governments and military personnel to provide aid and fulfill the needs of struggling governments and citizens.
• Managed all logistical requests for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and coordinated efforts with multinational and multiagency personnel.
• Assisted and supported the planning of Kosovo's first free and fair elections in their entire history.
• Worked with community officials, government agencies, multi-national personnel and various government agents in planning and implementing Kosovo's first civil and voter registration without a violent incident.
• Military advisor to OSCE on all matters dealing with security and military matters.
• Assigned to Bosnia to act as a liaison between the Nordic-Polish Brigade and the civilian communities.
• Managed all aspects of restoring the railroad between Sarajavo and Brcko.
• Responsible for assisting the business community and local media in providing opportunities to local citizens in conjunction with USAID.
• Assigned to the Balkans as an observer and controller to train each rotation of peacekeepers.
• Managed various budgets while serving in the military on the Brigade level.
• Developed ties between the peacekeeping units and international and non-governmental humanitarian organizations. Responsible for the planning and implementation of VIGILANT LION-one of the first realistic humanitarian relief exercises in the area.


Proficient in the use of Microsoft Word, Excel, creating and managing Access databases, producing PowerPoint presentations, basic Windows 2000 and NT file management and troubleshooting, Corel Draw, Corel PhotoPaint, EZ CD Pro, use of the Internet and email.


LaSalle University, Philadelphia, PA
Master of Science.
Bachelor of Science

• Civil Affairs Officer Advanced Course.
• Joint Civil-Military Operations Course


Able to write and speak German and at an advanced beginner level in Serbo-Croatian.

PRWRA John Donovan - johndonovan@crsresume.com - Career Résumé Service - http://www.crsresume.com - Armed Forces Résumés - http://www.armedforcesresumes.com

Military Police Officer

Drew Anderson
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


United States Army
1998 - Present
Police Officer
• Served as Squad Leader, Team Leader, and Training Specialist subordinate personnel, at the rank of Corporal in the U.S. Army.
• Utilized military training and civilian education to ensure compliance with military justice and fire safety requirements, including tours of duty as Patrol Officer, Crime Prevention NCO, Federal Police Escort, Physical Security NCO, and Fire Safety NCO.
• Decorated and recognized veteran of 2 foreign wars, with multiple awards and citations as a combat parachutist with Detention Facilities and Med-Evac Units.
• Consistently exceeded organizational requirements in areas of Professional Development, Work Ethic, Personnel Administration, and Professionalism.
• Served as arresting Detective for Drug Suppression Team involved in over 700 drug convictions in 4-year timeframe.
• Winner of MP Pentathlon as Team Leader at Platoon level.


Oswego College, Oswego, NY
Associate, Radio and T.V. Broadcasting

Fayetteville Technical Community College, Fayetteville, NC
Completed 42 credits in Law Enforcement

Coursework and Certifications: Patrol Techniques, Traffic Enforcement, Domestic Violence, Juvenile Investigations, Report Writing, Motor Vehicle Law, Communication Skills, Ethics, Interviews, Law Enforcement Orientation and Driver Training.


United States Army
Basic Training, Advanced Individual Training, Military Police Training, Basic Parachutist Course (Airborne), Fire Marshall Course, Consistent Expert Weapons Qualifications in Small Arms, Information Security Training, Subversion and Espionage Directed Against the United States of America (SAEDA) Training

Certified Fire Marshall
Certified Emergency Life Saver (ELS)
Certified Combat Life Saver
Certified SAEDA Bomb Squad Technician
Certified Radar Technician


United States Army:
2 Army Achievement Medals: Excellence in the line of duty - Kosovo Ribbon w/ Bronze Star: Combat operations during Task Force Falcon - Nato Ribbon: Serving in an Overseas War - Good Conduct Medal: 3 years exceptional service - Driver Badge: Over 15,000 accident-free miles in combat theatre - Afghanistan Bronze Star and Combat Patch: Combat Operations during Operation Enduring Freedom - Multiple Foreign Parachutists Badges: Completion of Multi-National Airborne Operations


Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement, Fire Safety, Patrol Officer, Emergency Management, Security, Investigation, Public Affairs, Team Leadership, Drug Enforcement

PRWRA Lea Clark - Clark & Associates - Macon, GA 31206 - lclark352001@cox.net

Quality Control Chief Military

Renee McEvoy
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


14 Years' successful United States Marine Corps experience recruiting highly qualified men and women to serve their country. Expertly conduct applicant interviews, background investigations, enlistment waivers, and security clearances. Gifted communicator and high-energy relationship builder. Accustomed to working with all levels of state and local agencies. Awarded two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals for superior recruiting performance.


Interviewed, scheduled, processed, and managed United States Marine Corps enlistees, achieving
• Annual average 463 successful applicant contracts.
• Monthly mean 514 pool strength, pre-assigning programs and ship dates.
• District-wide 933 pooled applicants shipped in 12 months.
• Upper-mental group of 71.2% for 778 Delayed Entry Program applicants.
• Assignment and shipping of 184 reserves, assisting Reserve Affairs to attain end-strength goals.

Screened, verified, and investigated applicants' information and background, achieving
• Career best 0.6% investigations or inquiries of new recruit packages.
• Zero malpractice and fraud cases for Recruiting Station San Diego Marines.
• Overall 9.6% total force attrition compared to 11.5% Marine Corps' standard.
• Record low 7.2% district attrition rate recruiting.
• Twelve-month 2.5% fraud attrition rate.

• Led Recruiting Station San Diego to be awarded Superior Achiever and Western Region Recruiting Station to be named Quality Station of the Year.
• Piloted recruiting station to outperform district average in 11 of 13 quality indicator areas.
• Processed and provided average 82.7 enlistment waiver recommendations per week.
• Automated station workload 50% by creating databases for shipping and depping quality standards.
• Tracked 100% of pooled applicants according to name, ship date, and program, by designing new operations boards.


• Career Counseling • Resource Accounting • Background Investigation
• Office Management • Vocational Testing • Manpower Planning
• Contract Administration • Operational Audits • Job Classification
• Quota Management • Community Relations • Document Control


12th Marine Corps District Head Quarters, San Diego, CA
2001 - Present
Quality Control Chief
Oversee district quality control, directing 10 staff members. Inspect collect, examine, and report quality indicators and trends for 9 recruiting and 14 Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS). Coordinate quality control matters for all subordinate and adjacent commands. Investigate applicant medical waivers, ensuring accuracy and adherence to directives. Maintain accuracy of Quality Control Information System database. Assume district operations chief duties as required.

12th Marine Corps District, Recruiting Station, San Diego, CA
2000 - 2001
Operations Chief
Directed station recruiters consisting of 8 personnel. Interviewed and scheduled applicants for enlistment and processing. Controlled pool and shipping documents. Assigned and tracked reserve applicant quota serial numbers. Audited operations and accounting reports. Maintained Operations Status boards. Evaluated MEPS daily reports.

Head Quarters, Western Recruiting Region, San Diego, CA
1999 - 2000
Noncommissioned Officer In Charge (NCOIC), MEPS Liaison
Worked independently with MEPS staff and service organizations as Commanding Officer's representative to enforce all quality control measures and provide final quality control checkpoint. Coordinated mental and physical examination scheduling for all applicants. Oversaw enlisting and shipping activity. Investigated and reported discrepancies in enlistment packages and processing to command group. Conducted independent verification of recruiting station special interest items.

Western Recruiting Region, Recruiting Station, San Diego, CA
1996 - 1999
Assistant Operations Chief
Managed region of 3 districts and 25 recruiting stations for daily accounting and contracting activities. Conducted region Training and Assistance Team inspections of MEPS. Liaised with recruiting districts and Recruiting Command for enlistment criteria, program changes, and policies. Managed weekly shipping between recruiting districts and Recruit Training Regiment for even flow, providing projections. Assumed operations chief duties as required.

Western Recruiting Region, Recruit Liaison Section, San Diego, CA
1994 - 1996
Quality Control Chief

Recruiting Station, Portland, OR
1992 - 1994
NCOIC, Military Enlistment Processing Station Liaison

Recruiting Station, Portland, OR
1987 - 1992
NCOIC, Recruiting Substation


HS Diploma, South Salem High School, Salem, OR - 1973
Recruiting Operations Course - 2000
Recruiting Military Enlistment Processing Station Liaison Course - 1993
Career Recruiter School - 1992
NCOIC for Recruiters Course - 1988
Recruiters School - 1987

PRWRA John Donovan - johndonovan@crsresume.com - Career Résumé Service - http://www.crsresume.com - Armed Forces Résumés - http://www.armedforcesresumes.com

Security Professional Former Military

Stacey McGovern
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234

Human Resources and Security Management Professional

Personnel Administration • Team Building & Leadership • Personnel Training
Emergency & Crisis Management • New Program Development

Multi-tasking, results-oriented professional with more than 20 years’ experience in diverse security and administration environments. Effective leader with wealth of knowledge and proven ability to lead and effectively recruit, train, and manage motivated, culturally diverse, and success-driven teams of highly qualified personnel. Innovative thinker with background in new program development and implementation in areas of training and recruitment. Possess excellent written and verbal communication, documentation, professional development, and personnel administration skills. Recognized and decorated leader with ability to create and foster efficient and productive workplace environment with exceptional levels of interpersonal and team communications.


Written/Oral Communication
Crisis Management
Background Investigation
Physical / Personal Security
Physical Assessment
Budget Administration
Resource Management
Recruiting & Team Leadership
Staff Development

Career Accomplishments

· Spearheaded and was appointed as Executive Officer of 1st recruitment unit in the City Police Department.
· Handpicked by City police commissioner as key player in design of most extensive emergency management and disorder control plan of any urban police department in the nation.
· Designed and implemented executive emergency and crisis management training program, including lesson plans and instruction, field, and staff training exercises.

· As Deputy Commander for Mobilization at Army Command Post, maintain responsibility for aspects of mobilization/demobilization of more than 30,000 troops.
· Recognized by superiors for exceptional abilities in supervision, development, team leadership, and evaluation of up to 1300 personnel at a given time,
· Coordinated facility closure and successful relocation of more than 9,000 military and civilian personnel to new location.
· Maintained responsibility for security and appropriate use of equipment valued in excess of $5M.
· Raised military school ranking from 15th to 5th out of 17 in 2-state area in 3-year timeframe.
· Developed, tested, and implemented anti-terrorist/force protection plans for 88 Reserve facilities in 3 states.

Qualification Highlights
· Professional and dedicated individual capable of working under extreme conditions, while enabling team members to succeed under stress in emergency and crisis situations.
· Demonstrate prudence in planning for future requirements of subordinates, ensuring personnel maintain current levels of required training to achieve exemplary performance in daily operations.
· Supervised and monitored activities of up to 75 police officers, providing direction and control necessary for smooth and consistent workflow and continued readiness to ensure safety and protection of more than 200,000 residents.
· Efficiently manage personnel and operations in support of up to 9,000 personnel in global environments.
· Ensure continuous compliance with all applicable federal, state, local, and organizational laws and regulations, including those of the OSHA and EEOC.

Professional Experience

City Police Department - Retired
1981 - 2002
· Directed daily operations, scheduling, and personnel management for 75 officers and 25 support and investigative personnel Office of Police Commissioner.
· Provided leadership to staff during numerous emergency and crisis situations.
· Managed education programs to ensure all personnel remained qualified to complete assigned tasks and received training necessary to achieve professional goals and advancement within department.
· Interacted with executive and elected officials, providing reports and sharing information related to regular operations as well as crisis and emergency management situation.

Military Service

United States Army Reserve
1977 - present
· Possess 10 years’ active and 15 years’ reserve service as commissioned officer.
· Currently serving as Deputy Commander for Mobilization.

Memberships & Affiliations

Association of the U.S. Army.
Reserve Officers Association.
Lieutenant’s Benevolent Association, N.Y.P.D.

Education, Certification & Training

Master of Strategic Studies
United States Army War College

Master of Public Administration
John Jay College, City University of New York – Dean’s List Recipient

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
Brooklyn College, City University of New York

Distinguished Military Graduate of Army R.O.T.C. Program
Fordham University

US Army Armor Officer Basic Course • US Army Infantry Officer Advanced Course
US Army Command & General Staff College • New York City Police Academy
New York City Police Department Basic and Advanced Management Courses

Honors & Awards

3 Awards -- Army Meritorious Service Medal • 2 Awards -- Army Commendation Medal
Award of the Army Achievement Medal • Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal for service in Bosnia

4 awards -- New York City Police Department Medal for Meritorious Police Duty
7 awards -- New York City Police Department Medal for Excellent Police Duty

Lea J. Clark - lclark352001@cox.net - http://www.gacareercenter.biz

Senior Professional Engineer Military

Drew Anderson
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Highly motivated and results driven professional engineer with more than 20 years of continuous experience in both civilian and military aerospace / mechanical / welding fields. Aggressive at identifying and resolving inefficient procedures, processes and resources. Adept at completing demanding projects within crucial timelines. Thorough; detail and process oriented; strong follow-through skills. Highly articulate, demonstrating excellent interpersonal skills across all levels. including the effective exchange of complex technical / manufacturing / industrial data. Designated security clearance: Top Secret. Achieved rank of Major. Committed to organizational success. Core competencies include:

• Program & Project Leadership • Engineering/Technical Training & Writing
• Problem Resolution • Confidentiality Assurance
• Team Building & Leadership • Personnel & Logistics Management
• Non-Destructive Evaluation • Aerospace Maintenance Engineering
• Life Cycle Material Management • Aircraft Accident Technical Investigation
• Propulsion Systems Condition Monitoring • Industrial Gas Turbine Engineering


Aerospace Engineering & Technical Training
1999 - Present
• Earned this senior portfolio due to comprehensive aerospace industry and strong managerial capability. Direct all personnel and resources providing aerospace engineer and technical training for all Canadian Air Force aerospace engineers. (2001-Present)
• Guiding Section Head of Canadian Forces School of Aerospace Technology and Engineering. Accountable for leading this specialized national technical training facility with 100 professionals. Write and deliver the most technically proficient training curriculum for aircraft airframe maintenance, jet engines, avionics, aircraft structures, aircrew escape and safety support systems. (2000-2001)
• As Instructor for Officer Aerospace Engineering Certification, administered personnel management, leadership, administration, logistics and technical training. (1999-2000)

Air Force Research Laboratory, Rome NY
1995 - 1999
United States Air Force
• Selected to lead the Advanced Radar Systems Enhancements for U.S. Navy Counter Drug Surveillance Radar. Spearheaded 4 complete major radar technology enhancement initiatives within a tight 36 month window. Granted budget in excess of $4M (US).

Quality Engineering Test Establishment, Hull Quebec
1993 - 1995
PROJECT ENGINEER - Condition Monitoring Systems
• Provided engineering/technical expertise for condition monitoring of wetted lubrication system components on aerospace/aircraft propulsion systems. Utilized spectrometric oil analysis (SOAP), ferrographic analysis and filter debris analysis (FDA). Conducted investigations of lubrication related failures.

Aerospace Maintenance Development Unit, Trenton Ontario
1989 - 1992
DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER- Non Destructive Testing (NDT) Branch
• Skill set relied upon to direct and co-ordinate technician teams; testing and evaluation of emerging composite material NDT technologies. Scrutinized aircraft structural inspection programs identifying shortfalls; initiating process reviews and revisions. Sourced and acquired updated Ultrasonic and Electromagnetic testing equipment.

National Defence Headquarters, Ottawa
1985 - 1987
Project Manager: (ABDR), Aircraft Salvage& Maintenance Tool Control Programs
• Hand picked to revamp program by establishing initial funding, resource baseline and policy foundations. Attention to detail and safety specifications were paramount. Efforts migrated to form a centralized training facility providing personnel and resources to ensure combat damaged aircraft were repaired and completely operational, saving millions of dollars.

National Defence Headquarters, Ottawa
1984 - 1985
Life Cycle Material Manager: Aircraft Maintenance Support Equipment (AMSE)
• Supervised Life Cycle Material measures for aircraft maintenance support equipment.

Canadian Forces Base, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
1980 - 1984
AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE OFFICER (after completing basic training)
• Accountable for managing 73-person team charged with daily operations of CT114 Tutor Jets. Scope of activities included overseeing non-destructive and engine test cell facilities, aircraft safety and life support systems maintenance; hydraulics, and all structural fabrication and refinishing rectifications. Strong team management skills consistently ensured minimum of 72 aircraft were on the flight line and ready to fly, 5 days per week with short notice for the advanced flight training for all Air Force Pilots.

Westinghouse Canada Inc., Hamilton, Ontario
1977 - 1980
STAFF ENGINEER- Gas Turbine & Generator Division
• Resolved operational problems occurring in customer Gas Turbine units.


• Aircraft Maintenance Engineering • NDT Ferrography
• Aircraft Structures and Materials • Fracture Mechanics
• PG Non-Destructive Testing • Air Worthiness Management
• Air Command Unit Flight Safety • Aviation Fluid Services Officer
• CT 114 - Maintenance Management • Avionics Systems - Engineering
• Gas Turbine Engineering • Senior Management Training & Development

Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
M.S., Welding Engineering: Non-Destructive Evaluation

Ryerson Polytechnical University, Toronto, Ontario
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering

PRWRA Audrey Field - Résumé Resources - 6 Andrew Court, Wasaga Beach, Ontario, Canada L0L 2P0 - http://www.ResumeResources.ca - info@resumeresources.ca - 1.877.204.9737