
Hospitality Specialist

Pat Hernandez
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Certified Management Consultant with 20+ years definitive experience driving tourism growth internationally. People-oriented facilitator; entrepreneurial and creative. Engaging and persuasive management style fuels strong team performances, inspires the cooperation of cross-functional teams, reenergizes stagnant programs, and positions companies for aggressive and sustainable revenue growth.

• Budget Administration • Strategic Marketing
• Human Resources Management • Team Building & Empowerment
• Training & Facilitation • Group Catering Management
• Holistic Troubleshooting • Industry - Government Networking
• Food & Beverage/Catering Management • Inventory Control
• Front Office Operations • Market Research & Analysis


Corporate Communications, Sales, and Marketing
• Directed multi-tiered corporate communications plan to revive the reputation of boutique lodge that had fallen into disrepair. Immediately engineered a revitalized marketing strategy to attract the attention of local retail travel centers, tour operators and potential travelers including personal appointments, web presence, and newly designed corporate brochures and flyers. Realized virtually immediate results building occupancy rates to 25% (representing 100 clients monthly); projections currently on track for 75% occupancy in 2002.
• Evoked instant recognition and spurred popularity for monthly newsletter "Too Hot To Trot" featuring a cartoon warthog. Secured wide distribution network for newsletter across agencies nationwide.

Organization and Management
• Turned around ailing boutique lodge by spearheading a $500,000 design revamp of property's accommodation and garden facilities. Created fresh alliances with quality suppliers, established purchasing, administrative and booking procedures, and coordinated maintenance trades onsite.
• Spearheaded integrated change management program for a failing safari lodge and 3 star hotel complex afflicted with high expenditures, inadequate staff service levels, and a declining local market. Slashed overheads by 32% by streamlining stagnant work processes; refocused and retrained staff to recognize and respond to customers' 'unmet needs' and launched an international marketing plan to infiltrate international markets.
• Launched successful independent tourism agency to maximize opportunities in the hospitality sector overcoming the inherent obstacles posed by complete Government control of the industry.


World Management Corporation, New Orleans, La
1998 - Present
General Manager
Turned around non-performing boutique lodge dormant in terms of sales, marketing and property maintenance. Nestled in a distinctive environment, the property was ideally positioned to target the world-weary traveler keen to experience holiday tranquility and natural ambiance of a rainforest setting; closure 6 months earlier necessitated intensive property maintenance and a comprehensive promotional program to re-launch market status.

As hands-on partner/manager, designed new property additions, restored garden surrounds, freshened accommodation and revamped menus to meet the demands of an exclusive clientele. Rejuvenated procedures, policy and marketing, developed relationships with local tourism authorities and agencies, and elevated the reputation of the lodge as a viable and fashionable destination for international tourists.

Initial guest feedback has been enthusiastic and gratifying; return stays have been booked, and bus tours stop regularly expose the lodge to more potential "buyers".

SFB Incorporated, New Orleans, La
1995 - 1998
Director/Marketing and Business Consultant
Implemented management systems, process refinements, cost containment measures, and integrated marketing strategies. Installed management structures, trained staff, established systems and procedures, and created corporate communications programs that infiltrated the international markets. Contracts included:

ACME DISTRIBUTORS: Contract Marketing Manager.

• Identified lucrative market opportunity to distribute frozen fish and chicken products to the tourism segment. Created new company division to market products specifically to hospitality, catering and tourism sectors, that realized immediate results, winning market share over long-time competitors. Increased turnover by 50%.
• Identified need to utilize former customers for future marketing campaigns. Devised comprehensive marketing database, finely tuned reporting mechanisms, and strategized a frequent caller program to maintain ongoing customer relationships.

Manning and Associates, New Orleans, La
1993 - 1995
Marketing Manager/Safari Operator
• Revamped all head office operations to produce a leaner, stronger administrative structure. Trained staff, built teams dedicated to outstanding customer service.
• Coordinated all core business revenue generating areas, directing all scheduled activities and collaborating with foreign-based agent.
• Overhauled marketing strategies, corporate communications design and distribution; nurtured important relationships with hotel and tourism operators, and personally visited agencies nationwide to assure correct promotional positioning and sales approach for maximum product exposure.

Ferndale Lodge, Baton Rouge, LA
1990 - 1993
Marketing Advisor
• Reversed spiraling decline in clients and profits, through complete internal and external face-lift. Restructured internal operations to contain costs, eliminate duplicated staff efforts, and assign marketing and capital resources wisely. Capitalized on staffs' good intentions by injecting enthusiasm, formally recognizing superior performances and offering high level customer service training.
• Managed all bookings and follow-up programs; attended to special requests, developed menus, created food rotation plans, and secured solid suppliers at best prices. Coordinated all housekeeping, kitchen staff, game guides and scouts to provide a holistic approach to guest services.
• Created sustainable utilization of wildlife plan.

World Retreat Center, New Orleans, La
1988 - 1990
Marketing Executive
Market dominant ground operator in Africa with headquarters in New Orleans.


Management Consultant • Business Management

Marketing Strategies and Planning
Understanding Marketing Communications
Sales and Marketing
Logistic Transport Supply

PRWRA Gayle Howard - Top Margin - gayle@topmarginonline.com