
Vice President Of Finance

Kerry Cordova
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Career reflects over 10 years of Accounting, Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions Cost Reduction and Strategic Analysis in a variety of product and service related environments, conducting business in domestic and international markets. Responsibilities included but were not limited to: monthly/quarterly/annual reports, budgeting/forecasting/monitoring, banking, cash management, payroll, asset and taxation issues, cost containment, pro-forma review for business acquisition, and profitability assessment. Scope of responsibilities extended to financial supervision of multi-site operations for business unit consisting of 2700 global staff, 6 locations and annual revenues in excess of $125M.


Awarded a Master of Business Administration from New York University: Leonard N. Stern School of business, with a focus on International Business and Finance. Graduate degree is supported with a Bachelor of Science in Finance and Marketing, the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business. Academic and professional credentials have been enhanced with additional training in management, legal compliance, human relations, international business, cost consulting, tax administration, mergers and acquisitions and numerous practical computer based business applications.


These skills and experiences support a variety of leadership capacities, such as Chief Financial Officer, Corporate Controller or Director of Financial Operations.


• Served as point of contact for three organizational re-design projects, in which corporate expenditures was reduced 20% ($7M per year) in the areas of capital overhead, marketing, engineering, and administration
• Skillfully negotiated various vendors services (phone, internet, data communications, freight shipping, customer lock-box services, and record keeping fees associated with 401K & profit sharing programs) for a $1.6M savings over 24 months, approximately 60% savings from previous charges
• Intuitive understanding of customer needs and market trends led to increased satisfaction of customers and the acquisition of accounts previously held competitors, clients included but were not limited to: Strattec, Delphi-E, Ford, General Motors, Caterpillar, Siemens, Allied/Honeywell, Honda, Teleflex and Birkby's
• Keen eye for strategy, planning, and developed was foundational to roll providing plans and due diligence for $13M in Mergers & Acquisitions, as well as $90M in divestitures
• Discerning sense of process control and data management was critical in harmonization of 'finance and operating functions', implemented the AS400 and the BPCS systems to increase access to shared data
• In the absence of a strong MRP system, identified excessive gaps in the purchasing process and inventory management sequence, to streamline materials process, improve inventory turns by 200% and provide an additional $5M in ready working capital
• Multi-disciplined professional adept at finance, operations and personnel, analyzed staff needs against performance needs and job descriptions to eliminate 42 redundant staff positions and reduce workforce budget.


Kissner-Moran Corporation
2001 - Present
Vice President of Finance Dyson
• Report directly to Senior Vice President and General Manager.
• Supervised all Finance, Human Resource and Information Technology activities a single business unit.
• Assisted with setting the strategic direction and planning and analysis for the company by working with the senior management staff.
• Directed study, which identified and eliminated 42 positions and saved the company $1.5 million.
• Identified waste in the purchasing process and inefficiencies in the production process which improved inventory turns by 50% freeing up $5 million in working capital. When completed, project will have improved inventory turns by 200% and freed up $8 million in working capital. Extended payable days to 55, freeing up $2 million in working capital.
• Prepared and presented analysis to parent company to close an under utilized facility which will save the company $3 million annually. Closure allows a further reduction of 28 people, or $1.4 million in savings from the corporate manufacturing facility in Huntington.

Kissner-Moran Corporation
1998 - 2000
Director of Finance Dyson
• Provided overall business financial support to the Group Vice President of DKM which included the identification and guidance of critical business, operational, and financial issues.
• Critiqued and analyzed corrective courses of action to the Company Presidents and their support staffs.
• Performed operational due diligence on our companies and reported findings and corrective course of action.
• Assisted in study, recommendation and closure of $25 million facility resulting in $2.8 million in savings. Separately, saved $500 thousand and $250 thousand for our Californian and Mexican operations respectively.
• Assisted in setting the long-term strategies of the companies and lead the effort to review and approve their 3 year financial plans.
• Established standard quarterly reports to review the most important business issues facing each company and to track and measure each company's progress with respect to their strategic and tactical plans.
• Provided financial support for the start-up of a 100,000 square foot manufacturing facility in Mexico and provided leadership for financial and business planning activities for this facility and the West coast operation during 1999.

Kissner-Moran Corporation
1995 - 1998
Assistant Controller Dyson
• Identified and negotiated all Corporate wide cost reduction projects.
• Performed primary and secondary research on acquisition candidates based on the acquisition strategy of each company.
• Provided financial and operational analysis of monthly results for all companies to the CEO and CFO.
• Identified and negotiated Corporate wide cost reductions in freight ($800 thousand), long distance phone($300 thousand), customer lock-box ($240 thousand) and 401(k) record keeping ($140 thousand) services. Total savings of $1.6 million.
• Performed preliminary and detailed due diligence on acquisition targets. Headed due diligence team on two successful strategic acquisitions (1996 and 1997) and one large divestiture companies.
• Assumed duties of interim Vice President of Finance for two companies until replacements were identified and hired.

Tambrands Incorporated
1994 - 1995
Corporate Planning and Analysis Manager
• Provided overall coordination and leadership for the Long Range Plan and Annual Business Plan
• Processes and directed the financial reporting activities related to the processes.
• Documented both the long range plan and annual business plan processes to enhance their effectiveness and to improve future consolidations.
• Consolidated and analyzed the 1994 long-range plan in half the time as 1993 via improved automation and simplification.

James River Corporation
1992 - 1994
Manager of Financials Plans
• Coordinated all activities related to the Annual Business Plan and Quarterly Forecast processes.
• Managed process improvements, cost management and harmonized operating with Receiving.
• Led efforts to reengineer the annual business planning process by reviewing and analyzing best demonstrated practices from within and outside the Company.
• Initiated the review and analysis of current quarterly forecasting process via process mapping techniques.
• Recommended alternative to improve accuracy, minimize resource involvement, help senior management identify major risks to the Company's plan, and reduce process cycle time by 90%.
• Led cross-functional team's effort in assessing risk to calendar year 1993 operating plan and in recommending improvements to the existing process.

James River Corporation
1991 - 1982
Project Manager
• Identified opportunities and developed detailed strategies to improve performance of an integrated napkin facility via product mix upgrades and cost reductions.
• Directed analysis to evaluate manufacturing/market/profit impact of process upgrade programs, cost reduction programs, market expansion programs and new product proposals.
• Created team and designed strategies to secure state financial assistance package which yielded $.7 million in savings to the Corporation in the form of low interest rate loans and grants.
• Initiated and managed efforts to resolve technical issues by initiating feasibility studies, and where appropriate, developed specific implementation plans to upgrade manufacturing process and save $600K.
• Provided input and direction for mill's new five-year labor agreement; resulted in increased flexibility and substantial savings of $.8 million per year.
• Managed efforts towards development of mill's fiber strategy, which reduced fiber costs by 20%, or $1 million and enhanced company's image of being environmentally friendly.

James River Corporation
1990 - 1992
Senior Commercial Business Analyst
• Identified opportunities for improvements in Commercial Products Business performance.
• Created financial analysis for new product developments, new market applications, cost reduction programs, pricing decisions and product cost changes for Marketing and Sales organizations.
• Coordinated, prepared and analyzed monthly operating results, quarterly forecasts, and annual and long-range business plans.
• Conducted capital investment analyses to identify economic impact of major equipment purchases. Led effort to quantify initial commercialization of 'Atlantis' technology.
• Analyzed 'wiper' product line manufacturing configuration and provided recommendations for improvements which yielded a 20%, or $.5 million increase in profits.

James River Corporation, Towel and Tissue Division
1988 - 1990
Division Analyst
• Provided financial support to VP Finance and Executive VP.
• Analyzed various emerging business and operational opportunities and developed studies used for decision support by senior management (i.e., Gala and Health Care Business Cost Studies, Finished Goods Inventory Reduction Analysis, Naheola Mill Expansion Project).
• Coordinated the development and presentation of operating results, key indicators, forecasts and business reviews. Created integrated PC program to display key information in graphic form for senior management.

James River Corporation
1985 - 1987
Senior Operations Analyst
• Coordinated, analyzed and reported financial and operational information.
• Installed and maintained a new actual cost accounting and profitability system which reduced process time (7 to 4 days) and errors by 40%. Obtained all relevant information to develop and maintain product cost standards.
• Coordinated and streamlined monthly financial and operational reporting requirements.
• Analyzed and communicated operating results to mill management.
• Received Corporation's 'Silver Key' award for revising and automating their budget and product cost development process

PRWRA Richard A. Lanham - Regional Manager, RL Stevens & Associates - rlanham@rlstevens.com - http://www.myexecutiveweb.com/rlanham