
Management Consultant Sales And Marketing

Frances O 'Malley
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Senior executive with more than 15 years of experience in sales and marketing, operations, human resources, and finance. Background includes strategic planning for start-up operations, turnarounds, and joint ventures, including licensing of intellectual properties. Successfully grew revenue, increased efficiency and productivity, reduced costs, improved operations, and expanded a company globally. Strong expertise in the development and production of corporate audio and video programming, product development, and product design and packaging. Computer skills include Microsoft Windows 98 and Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint).


Brinson Resource Management, Dallas, Texas
1996 - Present
Management Consultant
Secured a management consulting assignment with a high-tech venture capital firm to analyze the human resource functions of a high tech start-up company.
• Prepared a proposal for building and implementing a human resource management system that included job descriptions and job performance standards.

Devon Miller Corporation, Carrollton, Texas
1990 - 1996
Senior Vice President
Managed all operations of a $7 million international corporate training enterprise with up to 70 employees. Areas of responsibility included marketing, administration, finance, operations, international marketing and license, and technology. Interacted with lenders, vendors, promoters, distributors, chief executive officers, chief operating officers, marketing directors, and business owners. Directly supervised the chief financial officer, and marketing, human resources, operations, product development, and manufacturing managers. Maintained total profit and loss responsibility.
• Designed and built a new distribution center that reduced errors in customer shipments, improved shipment time, and increased customer retention rate.
• Negotiated several licensing agreements including book publishing contracts and international distribution that increased revenue by 5% to 10% of gross each year in lieu of direct buy-sell agreements.
• Developed and implemented a human resources department to accommodate the growth from 6 employees and $250,000 to 70 employees and $7 million in annual revenue.
• Served as the 40lk and profit sharing plan trustee.
• Instituted human resource management system that included job descriptions, performance standards, performance reviews, hiring evaluations, and employee recognition programs (improved morale extensively, reduced turnover, and upgraded the quality of management).
• Assigned additional responsibility for marketing operations in 1994.
• Recognized and corrected an inherited debt of $1.2 million caused by a software application error (negotiated vendor reduction and payment plan while maintaining flow of inventory, invoiced all receivables, and implemented new accounting and operating software applications within 60 days).
• Edited and published a monthly worldwide publication entitled High Performance Magazine with 27,000 copies distributed to individuals and corporations globally.
• Created and implemented risk management policies and procedures to handle all insurance needs of the company (continuously upgraded property and casualty insurance, as well as special insurance for tours, seminars, and special events).

Devon Miller Corporation, Carrollton, Texas
1985 - 1990
Vice President of Production
Coordinated and directed all video and audio production operations, as well as distribution. This included facilities management and real estate related activities. Supervised a warehouse manager, production manager, shipping and receiving supervisor, chief engineer, and a total of 20 employees. Maintained total profit and loss responsibility, and managed a $1 million budget.
• Created a subsidiary of Devon Miller called Devon Copy to handle all commercial duplication and distribution of audio and video cassette programs.
• Designed and supervised the installation of a full audio recording studio, audio and video duplication facility, an a fulfillment and distribution facility (initially saved over 25% in COG, improved product quality by 100%, and reduced defective product returns by over 50%).
• Produced over 25 hours of video training programs and 175 hours of audio programming, in addition to development of companion curriculum for the instructors.


United States Air Force - Sergeant E-4 - Awarded Airman of the Year


Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Bachelor of Science

Certified Facilitator of Corporate Training Programs - Devon Learning Systems
Management Accounting and Joint Venture Training - American Management Association


St. Mary's School for Special Needs Children
1997 - 1999
Auction Chairperson
Helped raised $200,000 consistently over each of the past three years, which is the highest amount ever achieved in this organization's history.

PRWRA Sandy Hild - The Résumé Doctor - Theresumedoctor@aol.com - resumespecialist@yahoo.com - http://www.theresumedoctor.com