
Software Developer

Jordan Winters
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Software Design / Teaching / Training / Communication / Analysis


• 30+ years experience in software, software engineering, software development, software architecture, software development methodology and practices, web, Internet, intranet, distributed application, client/server, object-oriented analysis and design, requirements analysis and modeling, data modeling, and database design. Progressed through analytical and applications work to senior management positions.
• Held positions with management responsibility, including training, for up to 300 employees engaged in computer applications development, data center operations, engineering support, and related activities. Operated 2 small companies with responsibility for capital and operating budgets and project budgets. Previously responsible for capital and operating budgets for a major Federal data center.
• Excellent communication and teaching/training skills. Articulate with professional and educated manner. Sensitive to needs of organization and individuals which enables me as instructor, consultant, team builder, or team member to work with diverse groups. Listen well to others.
• Experienced in bridging communication gap between technical projects and organizational management or client objectives, between projects with differing objectives, between technicians and non-technical management and users, between diverse specialists integrating diverse and often conflicting viewpoints facilitating communication.
• Provided training to clients and internal staff in application of new technologies. Tailored application and training to fit clients' needs, resources, and culture.
• Brought together and led team to create and operate major data center. Negotiated, secured budget and workload commitments from other organizations with diverse and conflicting objectives.
• Solid technical background and current IT knowledge. Broad-based experience ranging from mainframe applications and data center operations to latest web application development. Learn new technologies and practices quickly.
• Experienced in software development and quality assurance, data center planning and operations, and in other technical areas that utilize, but are not part of IT. Most projects have pushed limits of available combination of technology and resources.
• Have been largely involved in and responsible from project conception through deployment.
• Strong analytical thinking and problem solving skills. Career history includes many examples of creative solutions using available tools and technologies. Understand and view projects within larger context of client or management goals. Evaluate stated requirements and expectations in terms of technical feasibility and cost, organizational priorities, and outcomes.


Web and distributed applications using:
Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE)
Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)
Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP)
Application servers (WebLogic, Tomcat, Jonas)

Object-oriented analysis and design using:
Rational Rose

Software engineering development methodology and best practices using:
Rational Unified Process
Rational RequisitePro
Rational ClearQuest

Client/server applications using:
Visual Basic
Crystal Reports
Windows 95/98/NT/2000

Database design and implementation using:
SQL Server

Desktop applications using:
Microsoft Office and Visual Basic for applications


SFB, Maple Park, MD
1998 - Present
Software development and consulting service with 2 - 6 employees.

Direct all aspects of business. Coordinate with customers, interpret and analyze client requirements, estimate and manage projects, manage and lead software development projects, and engineer, design, and implement software solutions.

• Engineered, designed, and developed commercial web-based time accounting product for client using J2EE technology. This was first project client had received on time and within budget.
• Designed object-oriented software development process and methodology for client. Trained client developers in process and methods.
• Rebuilt client's system for order entry, invoicing, customer contact management, and fulfillment of subscription and seminar orders. Integrated system with accounting functions. Developed data mining and reporting functionality to support marketing and management.
• Developed call center scheduling product.
• Recruited and led team of expert developers to perform outsourced development work for former employer.

Jaybird Corporation, Annandale, VA
1997 - 1998
Software Developer
Company provides analytical services related to health care financing for Federal agencies.

Successfully developed software application to test compliance with EDI standards for transmission of claims and eligibility data.

Octagon, Inc., Annapolis, MD
1996 - 1997
Senior Developer
As senior software engineer, acted as internal consultant for development methodology.

• Redesigned application's data model, internal functionality, and user interface to add features that moved product to level above competition. Coordinated development and builds to meet release dates.

Octagon, Inc., Annapolis, MD
1995 - 1996
Senior Developer
Led effort and contributed innovative designs to transform initial version of product into full-featured and robust product which was very saleable.

Acme Resources, Princeton, NJ
1994 - 1995
Planned and performed pre-release system testing on product upgrades.

• Devised improved test cases for 2 products.
• Performed system testing to assist in release of product upgrades.

Acme Resources, Princeton, NJ
1993 - 1994
Software Engineer
Researched and developed improvements to statistical process control system.

• Successfully completed project by coordinating with several departments to define requirements, design, and implementation of required software changes.

Zane Company, Baltimore, MD
1986 - 1993
Provided analytical and data processing services in support of health care financing research and actuarial studies.

Directed studies and led development and utilization of software and processes to analyze large quantities of health care data, primarily on Medicare and Medicaid programs. Managed all fiscal and administrative functions of company. Secured and administered research grants. Coordinated with and supported Federal research organizations and initiatives.


University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
Ph.D, Mathematics

PRWRA Linda Wunner - ahireimageresume@prodigy.net - Career & Resume Design - Duluth, MN 55811 - linda@successfulresumes.com