
Transportation Planner

Taylor Anderson
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Eight years of progressive experience in the planning, implementation, and management of transportation and environmental programs. Proven track record in managing multiple projects and maintaining successful relationships with federal, state, and local agencies and special interest groups.

Major strengths include:
• Transportation Planning • Program/Project Management
• Land Use Management • Environmental Assessments
• Oral/Written Communications • Computer Technology

Specific Skills:

Oral/Written Communication: Coordinated Public Scoping Meetings and Advisory Committees, prepared Environmental Assessments, prepared factsheets, newsletters, brochures and proposals, conducted document reviews, responded to public inquiries, facilitated project "kick-off" meetings and project team meetings, coordinated with community organizations and regulatory agencies in resolving project-specific issues, and providing alternative courses of action.

Transportation Management: Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Planning, school bus services and safety programs, community mass transit services, fuel conservation initiatives, fleet-car management, transportation of hazardous waste policies and procedures.

Land Use Management: Bikeway and Pedestrian alternative modes analysis; Environmental Impact Assessments; Environmental Compliance Assessments; Phase I Environmental Site Assessments for Real Property Transfers; Site Characterization Studies; Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Studies; air and water quality permitting actions.


Manning and Associates, Boise, ID
1994 - Present
Transportation Planner
Developed and implemented urban and rural bikeway and pedestrian policies and capital improvement programs, in accordance with the Transportation Planning Goal, the Regional Transportation Plan, the Comprehensive Framework Plan, and the Americans With Disabilities Act. Member of Rideshare Committee.
• Initiated public outreach efforts for the Pedestrian Master Plan through formation of a Citizen Task Force, and participation in the recent regional Transportation Fair.
• Identified funding sources to construct 100% of Phase I projects for the Bridges Accessibility Project.
• Presented the status of bicycle program before the State's Bicycle Advisory Committee during their recent visit to the area.

US Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore, MD
1992 - 1994
Community Planner
Performed environmental assessments and formulated environmental compliance strategies for Federal installations in accordance with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
• Initiated and organized compliance support programs for the Department of the Army's Environmental Compliance and Assessment System (ECAS) program; and to address NEPA compliance of Master Planning construction activities.
• Managed three Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) projects and five Public Scoping Meetings held across the US in support of the Department of Energy's (DOE) commercial Clean Coal Technology Demonstration Program.
• Served on numerous interdisciplinary study teams to conduct real property transfers, evaluate environmental impacts, analyze hazardous waste issues, and coordinate Federal and state air and water permit application processes.

Octagon Industries, Washington, DC
1990 - 1992
Environmental Analyst
Assisted Federal Program Managers at the Department of Energy's (DOE) Headquarters in the development of formal project management systems. Provided regulatory compliance analyses in the environmental cleanup of hazardous waste at the Savannah River Site (SRS), a Federal research facility.
• Developed Project Baselines that established technical requirements, milestone schedules, and cost estimates for activity planning, execution, and evaluation of SRS's waste management activities.
• Wrote portions of planning documents that standardized procedures for onsite transportation of hazardous materials in accordance with Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA), the South Carolina Hazardous Waste Management Regulations, and the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (HMTA).

US Army Transportation Corps
1986 - 1990
Transportation Officer
Coordinated community transportation services for routine, recreational and emergency operations for 16,000 Americans living in Germany. Advised senior community officials and service groups on the best course of action regarding the communication of these services through public outreach techniques.
• Initiated a quality surveillance program that improved services and reduced operational costs by $180,000 over a two-year period by promoting fuel conservation, introducing flexible work schedules in fleet-car operations, improving existing mass transit services, and re-routing school buses; these measures were instrumental in the community winning the "Best Energy Management Award" for the region.
• Successfully promoted a volunteer school bus monitor program that resulted in a 400% increase in participation with a corresponding decrease in student misconduct and potential safety hazards.


University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, CA
B.A., Geography


• PC/Microsoft Windows; Macintosh/System 7; and Sun Workstation/UNIX computer platforms; Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher, PowerPoint; CorelDRAW! and FrameMaker software. Exceptional aptitude for adapting to systems quickly when introduced to new or custom software applications. Keyboarding speed of 76+ words per minute.


• Managing Wetlands and The Permitting Process, US Army Corps of Engineers, 1994.
• Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Perspectives Workshop, EPA, 1994.
• Planner/Project Manager Orientation Course (Water Resources), US Army Corps of Engineers, 1993.
• Technology (Strategic) Planning, Graduate School of Management and Technology, University of Maryland, 1992.


• Author, The Business Planning Process; paper selected for publication in a technical writing course book, 1994.
• Elected Board Member and newsletter Editor, Hobbits Glen Homeowner's Association, 1994.
• Co-author, Group Behavior Analysis of the Howard County Public Hearing Process: A Conflict Management Approach, University of Maryland, 1993.
• Recipient, Department of the Army Superior Performance Award, 1993.
• Recipient, Army Meritorious Service Medal, 1990.

PRWRA Rebecca Smith - Rebecca Smith's eResumes & Resources (www.eresumes.com) - eCareerLearn.com Online Learning Center (www.ecareerlearn.com) - rsmith@ecareerlearn.com