
Chief Operations Office International

Robin Saunders
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Professional experience reflects over 15 years of creative leadership and visionary capacities in complex, competitive, and highly regulated manufacturing industries. Have established strategic plans, developed systems and operational overhauls, lead numerous turnaround ventures, spearheaded Joint Ventures, and transformed corporate image as profitability was re-established. A keen eye for detail resulted in high profile assignments responsible for all aspects of business development, operations, lean manufacturing, finance, marketing, sales, recruitment, risk management, negotiations, and facility utilization. Leadership has been sought by domestic and international organizations, to work in both non-union and union based organizations, with over 1,400 personnel and revenues in excess of $1B.


Executive Management
Served as Senior Operations Executive for three top tier providers of parts and products within the automotive and telecommunications industries
• Managed sales, marketing, research & development, manufacturing, business planning, and personnel
• Developed product campaigns to expand business line and acquire business previously held by competitors, key accounts were: General Motors, CAMI, Suzuki, Ford, Mazda, Kia, Daewoo, Hyundai, Ssangyong, Samsung, Hanaro/Korea Telecom, Nortel, Powercomm, and KTF
• Established marketing campaigns directly to targeted companies to acquire large accounts of $583M
• Directed teams to achieve a 40% increase in Joint Venture Sales, resulting in revenues of $752M
• Provided 'standard of excellence in performance' in every position, exceeded goals and expectations

• Established 'new generation management strategies' for Korea's leading telecommunications equipment manufacturer, with full P&L for all operations and annual sales of $308M
• Served as point of contact for decisions to reduce workforce by 35%, reduced break even costs for all projects by as much as 20%
• Re-engineered budget, collections, payback & ROA to protect assets during 50% loss in sales volume
• Re-negotiated supplier contracts to reduce/defer annual materials delivery by 60%
• Established protocols to achieve TL-9000 & ISO-9000, recognizing these classifications as critical to corporate credibility and establishment of future revenue-generating contracts


Mercury Corporation
2001 - 2003
Chief Operations Officer
• Provided executive operational leadership to production, sales, marketing, and product development teams for nations (Korea) leading information/telecommunications provider
• Lead Mercury to become the first telecommunications company in Korea to achieve TL-9000
• Held multi-continent supervision for two plants and two technical centers (Korea & India)
• Successfully managed a business planning and investor relations campaign that lead to the divesture and partnerships of a diverse portfolio, which included strategic relationships between senior management and share holders (Carlyle, Citi, and Prudential Groups)

Delphi Automotive Systems
1997 - 2001
Vice President /Global Director GM
• Designed and implemented a five year business plan to achieve growth initiatives: provided process and organizational design plans for sales, marketing, technology roll out, service, quality, logistics, and business development
• Aggressively pursued global contracts with Hyundai, Daewoo, and Kia
• Seized the opportunity created by Korean economic crisis to consolidate business with Daewoo Motor and acquire Daewoo and Kia entities, resulting in significant increase in market share
• Set standards and procedures to achieve global excellence in customer satisfaction, through the implementation of "Voice of the Customer" and "Customer Excellence" programs

Delphi Packard Electric Systems
1991 - 1997
Managing Director/Country Manager GM
• Served as point person for two multi-national Joint Ventures that provided wiring harness components for Shinsung Packard and mechatronics components for Daesung Electric for Hyundai/Kia/Daewoo
• Held full P&L for Korean Operations, directed 1,460 personnel and led sales in excess of $221M
• Established strategic relationships with suppliers to reduce service and materials costs by $2M per year
• Crafted $150M joint venture for Delphi through manufacturing capital intensive products to leverage and capitalize economies of scale, expanded customer base to include all Korean OEM businesses, and secured $44M in new business
• Promoted from Business Development Manager to lead Korean component facility through organizational overhaul, which resulted in the attainment of the QS9000 Global Quality Systems
• Sought by corporate leadership to move from Manufacturing Superintendent to role as Business Development Manager, responsible for 'new plant expansion' in Indonesia, India, China, and Poland
• Held over all P&L for maquiladora production plant (in Mexico), with multi-departmental re-organization of a 450-member workforce which included but was not limited to: 40% facility improvement, performance enhancements, inventory reduction, 20% assembly cost reduction, implementation of lean manufacturing practices, and annual sales growth to $70M

Ford Electronics Division
1985 - 1990
Manufacturing Engineering Manager
• Sought by senior management to move from Business/Strategic Planning to this position, in order to develop plans for electronic manufacturing plants, that became the global footprint for seven global operations, processes included: quality, cost, delivery, technology, human resources, engineering/process benchmarks
• Turned around Ford Electronics division through process improvements and competitive pricing. Company was behind its competition in design, manufacturing, and cost
• Developed marketing strategies and sold Driver Information Products to Engineering/Purchasing departments of Ford Motor Company (US and European Divisions) and Mazda
• Conducted research of competitors and correspondingly established cost programs and product pricing to ensure optimum market potential in price and technology: efforts increased annual sales revenue by 11% to consistently exceed goals and drive annual revenues beyond $340M
• Demonstrated successes in business case development for investments in new Ford businesses. Exceeded capital project targets (ROI, IRR and payback)

PRWRA Richard A. Lanham - Regional Manager, RL Stevens & Associates - rlanham@rlstevens.com - http://www.myexecutiveweb.com/rlanham