
Chief Executive Officer

Casey Catello
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Professional experience reflects over 20 years of creative leadership and visionary capacities in complex, competitive, and highly regulated manufacturing industries. Have established strategic plans, developed systems and operational overhauls, lead numerous reorganizations to enhance growth opportunities in which corporate image was transformed and profitability was re-established. Established European subsidiary and staffed with local personnel to enhance overseas business. A keen eye for detail has placed me in high profile assignments responsible for all aspects of business development, operations, finance, marketing, sales, recruitment, risk management, negotiations, construction modification, and facility expansion. Leadership has been sought by domestic and international operations, to work in both non-union and union based organizations.


Awarded a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering. Have enhanced academic credentials with professional training and experience in quality assurance, manufacturing regulatory compliance, organizational design, new product development and market introduction, technology systems and implementation, union and non-union management, performance improvement, and conflict resolution.


Skills and experiences support a variety of leadership capacities, such as Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operations Officer, or Director of Manufacturing.


• Identified untapped market niche and negotiated strategic license agreement to acquire technology to develop new products; $500K investment yielded untold millions in niche-market revenues.
• Understanding of customer needs and marketplace direction, led to new product development that now accounts for 50% business.
• Served as key liaison between workforce and senior management to recover $1.2MM annually in lost business and turn re-supply division to a more productive 85% on-time performance.
• Strong analytical skills were foundational to the identification of productions glitches that were causing 15% error in production and large quantity of return parts; resolve issue with implementation of regulatory standards for quality and testing; rejects and re-run work was reduced to less than 5%.
• Led company through re-organization that resulted in a single $100MM entity being divided into three separate business unites, efforts lead to more concentrated management, product development, production, and sales growth.
• Worked with department heads to clearly articulate job expectations and position descriptions, new employee turnover dropped from 20% to 5% as personnel began to clearly understand their role within the larger objective.


Indiana Mills and Manufacturing, Incorporated
1985 - 2001
Chief Executive Officer
• Negotiated airbag agreement to provide IMMI an expanded market opportunity that was previously unavailable and built Crash facility to provide our customers a place to test their vehicles and to prove out our new products that were under development.
• Worked closely with Chairman of the Board to establish a Board of Advisors and to staff with outside business men to bring fresh thinking into our plans to market new products
• Established a subsidiary in England and staffed with local business people to enable IMMI to hold onto existing overseas business and to expand into markets that were not available to us from the USA.
• Divided IMMI into three separate divisions and hired Business Unit Managers for each division to provide new focus to the individual business areas that we were unable to provide when we were trying to manage a large business of $100M+. Each division was given P&L responsibility and all of the tools necessary to get the job done. The divisions were still responsible to the corporation for achievement of corporate objectives.
• Authorized Director of Plant Operations to begin implementation of Lean manufacturing systems on the shop floor with the objective of 33% reduction in product labor cost.
• Provided focus to our Directors through a 10 year period of high growth (17% annually) to control expenses and still permit growth with the objective of achieving our targeted net income of 10% being successfully met.
• Managed flat-line organization consisting of 13 Directors and 3 Business Unit Managers. This flat-line organization, while taxing to me personally, provided each department head an opportunity to quickly air his views on pressing issues and to get decisions and resulting action quickly.

Chief Operating Officer
• Recognized a problem that existed in getting new products developed and into the marketplace. The tyranny of the urgent kept our engineers from focusing on the products that we needed to perpetuate our future.
• Reorganize Engineering and Sales/Marketing departments in line with Addizes philosophy, separated R&D from Application/Product Engineering and separated Sales from Marketing. Enabled engineers to focus only on assigned tasks and enabled Marketing to focus on the future rather than the present.
• Authorized establishment of Value Analysis group to address material costs with the result of $500,000 in annual savings. This program was ongoing and was established in the early 1990's and is still going on today with equal success. This group has the authority to address engineering changes, material changes, procedural changes, etc., all in line with good quality practices.
• Negotiated license agreements on three retractors and two buckles with a large, multi-national seat belt manufacturer. This gave IMMI access to state-of-the-art technology for these products and enabled IMMI to compete with other, larger seat belt manufacturers without the high cost and long time involved in actually developing these products ourselves.

Director of Plant Operations
• Negotiated purchase agreement with Australian company for the purchase of retractor components to enable IMMI to begin supplying our Heavy Truck customers with three-point seat belts. This company agreed to sell IMMI their tooling for this retractor and to license the product to us. They were planning to discontinue production so we had to try to project the usage of a product that had not been previously sold in our markets and to try to protect our supply until such time as IMMI could get into production in the USA.
• Oversaw the construction of a new facility in Westfield to combine the production and offices of our company which was previously spread out in 7 different buildings in Carmel. The building was constructed in less than a year and our move was made without any loss of production.
• In view of major cash flow problems in the late 1980's, I lead a team of materials people to put tighter controls on the planning and purchase of production items and simultaneously made moves to increase production and the result was a steady improvement of cash flow and a great improvement in on-time shipping performance.
• Hired Materials Manager to come in and take control of the production planning, production control, and purchasing functions in an effort to ensure that we had the components when we needed without excess
• Implemented uniform procedures for purchasing department to increase Professionalism

Marketing Manager of Marine Products
• Addressed the Marine product line with the purpose of limiting the number of products that were to be stocked, instituted a line-item forecast and worked with our manufacturing group to ensure that products were made in accordance with our forecast; improved shipping performance to the Marine customers.
• Worked with distributor customers of Marine products to set up stocking programs. Negotiated special pricing for "early bird" ordering and shipment at our convenience.

FMC Corporation
1966 - 1985
Marketing Services Manager
• Worked with our 7 Service Centers to determine where we were losing business to our competitors due to inadequate inventory of popular items. Identified these items and implemented a line-item forecast. Made a presentation to the Group VP requesting permission to implement a plan to increase our inventory in line with this forecast. Worked with our manufacturing group to implement this forecast. The result was an increase in our annual sales of about $1.2M.

Manager Production Planning
• In view of cost and production problems, I developed long range forecast and justification for a new facility in Morganton, NC to produce conveyor chain that was currently being produced in Indianapolis.

Distributor Coordinator/Application Engineer
• In view of high product rejects (around 15%) and customer returns on our welding line for our welded steel chain products, I developed and implemented a standard, including sketches, for welding setup, running, and inspection. This standard was developed using industry accepted practices and some in-house testing. The result was a reduction in rejects to less than 5%.
• Because of logistics problems in welding sides for the railcars that were being produced in our Charleston, WV facility. Conceived and designed an assembly line that consisted of large carriages to hold the sides and a return line whereby these carriages could be hoisted overhead and returned to the start of the assembly line. The result was to free up about 10,000 square feet that was useful for other production purposes.

PRWRA Richard A. Lanham - Regional Manager, RL Stevens & Associates - rlanham@rlstevens.com - http://www.myexecutiveweb.com/rlanham