
Management Executive CFO

Chris Fong
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234

International Business Protocol — Turnarounds — Team-Building

Management Executive with MBA and 14 years’ progressively responsible management experience. Expertise in turnaround and M&A management in highly competitive, global markets. Record of quickly integrating and revitalizing companies through:

· Strategic Planning
· Budgeting, Pricing & Cost Control
· Team Building & Leadership
· Information Technology
· Company-Wide Action Plans
· Contract Negotiations
· Implementing Best Practices
· Human Resources
· Finance & Accounting
· Cross-Cultural Communications


Fast-track, 14-year career with Mayne Group — a world leader in the steel industry headquartered in the UK, reporting $9.5 billion in sales and employing 47,000 personnel.
CFO AND ACTING PRESIDENT — Metal Works, Jersey City, NJ
1999 to Present
Recruited as CFO to manage integration of Metal Works — Mayne Groups’ newly acquired wholly owned subsidiary ($30 million, 120-employees). Sharing general management responsibilities with two other executives after upper management transition. Restructured and turned around company to profitability through development and implementation of company-wide action plan. Accomplished integration within few months. Achievements:
· Captured $1.5 million in savings within eight months through key role in instituting aggressive purchasing program.
· Ended union strike immediately after assuming role of president, acting as negotiation leader. Reached cost-effective three-year collective bargaining agreement.
· Selected and implemented integrated company-wide ERP business information system (Mapics) comprising sales, purchasing, inventory control, and financial and cost accounting support.
· Eliminated 20% of clerical jobs, rendering $175,000 in annual savings.
· Increased major production line productivity 100% by soliciting input from technical industry experts to enhance manufacturing performance.

Other accomplishments include:
Financial Management
· Realized $0.5 million profits in first quarter 2002 after losses of $2 million in 2001.
· Initiated and successfully negotiated refinancing of $15 million in bank loans from outside lenders to internal Mayne loan, resulting in 3% decrease in interest rate (from 8% to 5%).
General Human Resources
· Spearheaded cultural change through input from office and factory employees, instituting employee suggestion system and open-door policy.
· Thwarted lawsuit using mediation skills to reach agreement and settle out of court.
· Developed objectives-based performance measurement system as tool to create strong, cohesive teams, focused on common goals.
· Realized union relationship improvements through diplomatic negotiations.

FINANCE CONTROLLER — Lyon Steel Company, Lyon, France
1996 to 1999
Appointed Finance Controller for Lyon Steel Company, a $75 million French global market leader of plated steel for the battery industry, employing 500 employees; 50% subsidiary of Mayne Group at time of hire. Member management team, supervised staff of 25. Integrated Lyon Steel Company with Mayne Group and benchmarked with sister company in the United States. Achievements:
· Facilitated 100% acquisition by Mayne Group in1997.
· Played key role in successful turnaround from losses to profitability within one year by developing and implementing company-wide restructuring program.
· Authored business plan and developed and implemented system of key-performer indicators.
· Assumed project leadership for seamless Y2K preparation/Euro implementation transitions.
· Eliminated 15% of work force while maintaining operability, focusing on high-performers.

PLANT CONTROLLER — Mayne Group — Various sites, the Netherlands
1988 to 1996
Selected by senior management for prestigious position of Plant Controller in 1994 after proven abilities in increasingly responsible positions. Handled $1.5 billion Flat Products Division after various controlling assignments for 15,000-employee production site (1988 to 1992) and for $500 million Steel Processing & Trading Division (1992 to 1994). Directed 30 employees at largest of five product groups, consisting of three major plants with 2,200 employees. Key accomplishments in various positions included:
· Facilitated $200 million cost cut by compiling categorized data of cost reduction options.
· Reduced staff 10% for entire product group by initiating pro-active and creative cost reduction program following thorough financial and functional analysis.
· Handled communication with technical personnel: able to “translate” lingo and reach core issues.
· Joined international team, which led $200 million joint venture initiative with an Italian steel manufacturer.


(Equivalent of American PH.D. Program)
VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT — Amsterdam, the Netherlands

VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT — Amsterdam, the Netherlands

The Netherlands — member since 1993


Computer proficiency: SAP/R3; Mapics; Windows; Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Outlook; Internet research.

Ilona Vanderwoude - ilona@CareerBranches.com - http://www.CareerBranches.com