

Lee Robertson
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Publisher and freelance photographer with more than 15 years experience. Developed a highly acclaimed reputation for publishing superior, high quality books and recognized with numerous awards. Overall experience includes organizing visits throughout Mexico to photograph and develop book-themes and articles about the culture, people, traditions, and landscape; defining themes and concept for photography and graphic design; securing funds; undertaking or supervising photography; writing and editing copy; and contracting illustrators, bookbinding, and printing. Additional experience in Web site development and maintenance. Competent in both Windows and Mac platforms. Fluent in Spanish and English.


Fernando Diaz Publishers
1989 - Present
Identify customers, develop book themes and manage all publishing activities from conception and fundraising to final printing and binding. Supervise writers, photographers, editors, proofreaders, graphic designers, printers and bookbinding companies. Prepared budgets for each project.

• Created more than 50 full-color, glossy, high quality books ranging in price from $40 to $60 (U.S.).
• Secured business with accounts such as Kodak Mexicana, The Office of the President of Mexico, Tequila Cuervo, The Children's Museum of Mexico City and Procter and Gamble.
• Recognized with several coveted National Publishing Awards.
• Awarded Best Book, Best Color Separation and Best Bookbinding several times from the Mexican Association of Printing Professionals.
• Worked with the curator of the National History Museum in Mexico to produce a 450-page publication on their collections that was funded by major Mexican corporations.
• Pioneered desktop publishing in Mexico (reduced costs and project time significantly while still maintaining high quality).
• Established a quality control policy with printers and bookbinders that required sign-off on each color separation, proof and materials used for binding, which led to the production of superior publications.

José L. Hernandez
1982 - 1989
Freelance Photographer
Travel throughout Mexico to photograph people and scenery representing the culture and society of small villages as well as ancient cultures. Published ten books with own photographs and wrote several articles for newspapers and Web sites.

• Collaborated with the Mexican Cultural Institute in Dallas on a photography exhibit with over 60 photographs about Mexico.
• Received two Awards of Excellence from Communication Arts Magazine in 1984.
• Won the Grand Prize of Southwestern Airlines with a photograph of a fisherman in Lake Luzcuaro, Mexico.
• Photographed more than 50 ethnic groups throughout Mexico.
• Donated over 4,000 of these photographs to the Museum of Anthropology in Mexico.
• Photographs appeared in The Mayan Culture, published in English, Italian, and Spanish, that accompanied a world-wide exhibit of the Maya culture in Venice, Italy and Mexico City.
• Developed an interactive, permanent exhibit at The Children's Museum of Mexico City.


National University of Mexico City
Bachelor of Science, Industrial Engineering

PRWRA Sandy Hild - The Résumé Doctor - Theresumedoctor@aol.com - resumespecialist@yahoo.com - http://www.theresumedoctor.com