
Lead Sales Associate

Taylor Anderson
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Award-winning sales professional with experience in human resource development, customer service, sales team development, and administrative management. Recognized for team-building and leadership skills and determination to lead by example to motivate united teams.


Well-developed interpersonal and communication skills, with expertise in dealing with clients and staff from diverse backgrounds.

Awarded "Sales Personnel Of The Year" and "Exceptional Sales Quota's Achiever" three consecutive years.

Proven ability to perform in fast-paced environments and manage multiple projects simultaneously, consistently meeting critical deadlines.

Committed to high-quality customer service, effectively resolving issues and surpassing client expectations -- achieving win/win outcomes.

Skillfully perform diverse strategic management functions in human resources, adept at training and inspiring employees to reach company and personal objectives.

Proficient in Microsoft Office and email programs, fluent in French, Italian, and German.


The Romanov Boutique, Westwood, CA
1990 - Present
Lead Sales Associate
• Selected to develop peak-performing sales teams, focused on achieving company goals and exceeding customer expectations for an elite retail fashion company.
• Identified and implemented processes and sales improvement initiatives to increase performance and quotas.
• Developed and implemented innovate sales, marketing, and customer service strategies resulted in increased profit margins by 150%.
• Motivated and inspired teams to achieve greater than 35% of standard quotas resulted in winning "Sales Teams Of The Year" 4 times.
• Designed and led employee empowerment and incentive programs retaining sales associates by 100% for 6 consecutive years.
• Maintained sales team statistics and work schedules for 25 employees, while training and coaching new and existing sales associates in sales techniques, dealing with difficult customers, and troubleshooting various problems.


St. Thomas University, Miami, FL

Bachelor of Arts, Business

Miami Dade Community College, Miami, FL

Associate, Business

Colleen Newman - Acclaimed Résumé Writers - resumewriter@iinet.net.au