
Customer Service Manager Business Software

Jamie Hill
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Seeking to transfer highly successful customer service and customer relations expertise to a position in sales. Currently in a management position providing support to internal customers within a major software solutions company. Background includes assessing needs, negotiating contracts, interacting with a diverse group of individuals from senior executives to administrative support personnel, organizing multiple functions on a daily basis. Excellent presentation and public speaking skills. Additional background includes a sales position. Computer skills include Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Office 97, Oracle Office, and Netscape Messenger.


Manager, 1989 - Present
Provide support for up to 370 internal customers within a leading supplier of information management software. Interact with vice presidents, sales managers, sales representatives, sales administrators, marketing managers, consultants, education managers, and support personnel. Assess needs, research products available, and negotiate the purchase of computer equipment, peripherals, audio and visual equipment, voice mail, security, telephone, and mail services utilized to support our sales efforts. Negotiate contracts with vendors and contractors. Develop a $100,000 budget and control all expenditures. Assist with inventory control for all computer hardware, copiers, audio and visual equipment, security, and telephone systems.
· Significantly reduced expenses by negotiating best purchase price from vendors.
· Created all policies and procedures throughout an extensive growth process.
· Implemented a postage control system that has created a highly accurate charge-back process for each department.
· Managed all space allocation activities and insured assignment of space back to appropriate cost center.
· Hired as a sales administrator until promotion to pilot the regional administrator's position in Houston; subsequently promoted to manager.

Account Representative / Office Manager, 1982 - 1989
Sold a specialized telephone service as an account representative. Called on hotel managers and hospital administrators throughout Austin and surrounding counties. Served as a customer service and office manager with over 100 coin-operated telephones throughout Houston, Austin, and surrounding counties. Initiated start-up services, scheduled repair services, resolved problems, and handled all accounts payable and receivable activities. As office manager, calculated all sales, balanced receipts, balanced and deposited credit card accounts, handled accounts payable and receivable, and interacted with sales representatives to purchase products.


Community College
Training: Peer to Peer Communication Managing Within the Law
Developing and Leading Teams New Manager Training
Effective Interviewing

PRWRA Sandy Hild - The Résumé Doctor - Theresumedoctor@aol.com - resumespecialist@yahoo.com - http://www.theresumedoctor.com