
Desktop Support Analyst

Jordan Winters
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


• Extensive experience in network administration and desktop support.
• Strong technical support acumen with a background in multi-platform systems and educating people on information technology topics.
• Proficient in installing, configuring, and troubleshooting various aspects of servers and workstations.
• Ability to install and configure MS WINS, DNS, and DHCP servers.
• Adept in configuration of protocols including TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, Nwlink, DLC, and Netbuei.
• Skilled in Novell 4.11, 5.0, NT 4.0, Windows, and Mac platforms.


Helix Data Systems, Inc., Little Rock, AR
2002 - Present
Desktop Support Analyst
Configured local and network printers. Set up loan document printers.
• Directed Windows 95 to Windows 2000 Professional migration for all Ferndale Banks in Arkansas.
• Connected fifty computers to corporate network.

Bradford Business Training, Little Rock, AR
1999 - 2002
CTS Lead Instructor
Educated students in MS Windows 95/98, NT workstation 4.0, NT server 4.0, Windows 2000 Professional, 2000 Server, and Active Directory. Trained and mentored students on network infrastructure management.
• Managed CTS department including 4 NT 4.0 servers, 1 Windows 2000 server, and 150 workstations proactively.
• Awarded Best Instructor of 2001 and 2000.

Maxwell Incorporated, Little Rock, AR
1997 - 1999
Exchange Administrator
Implemented user mailboxes and accounts. Recognized as Employee of the Year in 1998. Augmented procedures for increased productivity.
• Monitored and supported MS Exchange servers proactively in four sites.
• Performed installation, configuration, and troubleshooting for 350 clients utilizing MS Exchange servers.

United States Navy, USS Bushnell, Norfolk, VA
1993 - 1997
Aviation Fueler/Technician
Maintained aviation fueling. Streamlined processes for effectiveness.
• Constructed shipboard computer network consisting of 300 workstations.
• Diagnosed and repaired chipset damage in computers onboard.


Westford University, Columbia, MO
B.S., Management of Information System

Hampton Roads State University, Newport News, VA
A.A.S., International Studies

Administration of MS exchange 2000

PRWRA Kristen Coria - ResumesAP@aol.com - Accounting Paradigms