
Primary And Special Education Teacher

Robin Saunders
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Teaching role where experience in elementary and special education will make a contribution.


· Strong background in elementary education (six years of experience) and special education (one year of experience teaching exceptional students, with undergraduate training).
· Experienced creating effective curricula, integrated lessons and parent-staff relations.
· Elementary Education: New Jersey Provisional (pending); New York Provisional Certificate (N-6).
· Special Education: New York State Provisional Certificate (K-12).


Second Grade Teacher: Townsville Day School, Townsville, NJ
Provide comprehensive lesson planning, teaching and evaluation. Manage Assistant Teacher.
· Developed entire curriculum, integrating Math, Language Arts, Readers and Writers Workshops, Science, Social Studies and Internet/Technology. Supervise entrance examinations.
· Maintain proactive relations and regular contact with parents. Teach gifted student and modify curriculum accordingly. Write monthly newsletters featuring student contributions.
· Developed book club to effectively encourage reading at home. Twice served as representative at open house events, addressing parents on behalf of school.
· Volunteered to organize and serve as chaperone for after-school skiing program.
· Supervised student efforts to stage two plays on science topics, integrating music and performed before entire school. Also supervised academic decathlon.

Kindergarten Teacher: Saint Peter’s School, Townsville, NJ
Planned, taught and evaluated lessons in all areas of reading and writing for extended day program.
· Developed curriculum and lesson plans to address needs of gifted students and those with learning disabilities. Also taught Gifted Reading Program for grade 4 students.
· Volunteered to serve as Head Advisor for Student Council, working with students in grades 4-8.
· As Second Grade Teacher (1996-1997), developed and implemented lesson plans in Math, Reading and Writing. For outstanding efforts and results with students/parents, chosen for Kindergarten role.

Special Education Teacher: Roosevelt Child Center, Upstate, NY
Planned and led classes for economically disadvantaged preschoolers with severe learning disabilities, including Down Syndrome, autism, behavioral disorders and mental retardation.
· Developed entire curriculum, including social and communications skills. Frequently integrated music.
· Consulted with parents regularly, working with Spanish interpreter. Organized fundraising efforts.


· Master of Science: Early Childhood Education, Fordham University, Tarrytown, NY (1999).
· Bachelor of Science: Elementary Education/Special Education, St. Thomas Aquinas College, Sparkhill, NY (1995). Completed semester abroad in Ambleside, England (1994).
· Reading and Writing Project (Lucy McCormick Calkins), Columbia Univ., New York, NY (2000).
· Technology, Spelling and Literacy Workshops: Townsville Day School (2000).

Kevin Donlin - kevin@gresumes.com - http://www.gresumes.com