
CTO Web Development

Jamie Hill
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Senior Consultant • Software/Technical Architect • Development Manager • CTO
Expertise in streaming media, web applications, content management, and website development

10–plus years exploiting advanced technologies to improve web-user experiences, is underscored by definitive expertise in conceiving and implementing internet solutions that elevate brand image, generate revenues, and provide the basis for cost-effective content management and expansion. Acknowledged throughout career as a service-centric and process-driven leader and trouble-shooter; a composer of clean code and concise documentation that fully details software development lifecycles from development environment to production. Expert in capitalizing on the advantages of web and streaming media technologies, creating usable and saleable products, steering projects at micro and macro levels, and delivering to specification, on time and on budget.

Professional strengths include:
Ÿ Project Planning and Management
Ÿ Usability and Accessibility
Ÿ Interface Design
Ÿ Database Development
Ÿ Critical Troubleshooting
Ÿ Cost Containment Initiatives
Ÿ Graphic Design Experience
Ÿ Application Documentation
Ÿ Team Leadership & Direction
Ÿ IT Consultancy
Ÿ Streaming Media Integration
Ÿ Tender Evaluations/Selection
Ÿ Client Relationship Management
Ÿ Revenue Generating Concepts
Ÿ Pre-Sales Negotiations
Ÿ Business Analysis
Ÿ Content Management
Ÿ Distributed Authoring
Ÿ Marketing Strategy
Ÿ Consensus Building
Ÿ End-User Training
Ÿ Application Development
Ÿ E-Learning Systems

Technology Snapshot

Web Technologies:
HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, PHP, ASP, SQL (Sybase, MS SQL, MySQL), VB Script, Lotus Domino, XML, Mozilla, Windows Media, Real Media, QuickTime, Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
Image Development:
Photoshop, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Fireworks, Illustrator/Freehand, GIMP

Projects of Significance

Advanced Searchable Streaming Media
Designed and project-managed $200K searchable streaming media site for the Australian Football League that enabled users to view sporting event videos. As primary contact point for managing the client relationship, steered frequent teleconference discussions throughout design and technical decision-making, built consensus despite a range of differing management agendas, and proposed workable, streamlined strategies for overcoming technical flaws in existing systems.
Leading a team of three developers and document writer over 4-months during the project’s first and second phases, developed methodology for public and admin modules, produced and integrated database structure with Microsoft SQL Server, steered public site interface using ASP, conceived streaming media-based content management systems, and presided over testing and implementation.
This pioneering project was successfully and seamlessly deployed to deadline and within budget—the only group on this assignment to achieve this distinction.
· Personally conceived database design structure endured the ‘test of time’ performing capably for 3-plus years without requests for optimization.
· Groundbreaking streaming media product is a world-first with unique features and applications that were later exploited by telecommunications leader Telstra to promote broadband cable services.

Streaming Media-based Content Management Systems
Leveraged advanced streaming media technologies to devise content management systems including iVideo (Australian Football League and National Rugby League), and iBrainz—a system adopted for use by a prominent educational facility in Queensland. The initiative poses substantial advantages for multiple industries, being lauded for its cross-platform flexibility, quick integration with standard formats such as Windows Media, Real, QuickTime, and Mac OSX, and a simplified web-based interface. Documented all processes from the development environment, through to software release.

Streaming Media Presentation Software Re-Development
Identified and built convincing business case for Net Ventures to invest in a complete in-house revamp of a problematic streaming media product. Earlier attempts by a third-party company had been unsuccessful and management were skeptical of further monetary injections.
Won “green light” to proceed, and remodeled system from concept through testing and implementation. Software features full customer customization options for creating synchronized multimedia presentations with video/audio, PowerPoint slides and more—without need for programming knowledge, and accessed via a secure web browser interface.


Chief Technology Officer • Analyst/Programmer
Promotion from Analyst Programmer to Chief Technology Officer in just 3-years, mirrors level of performance in producing revenue-positive product solutions for high-profile clients.
Confronted upon commencement with no development infrastructure, personally established and fully documented formalized processes for development of software development life cycles. The initiative went on to shape the company’s biggest successes in iBrainz—a streaming media web application that launched the company’s foray as an application service provider.
Triumphed over two failed attempts by external companies to design and build iBrainz, a streaming media web application that allows easy administration of synchronized media. Marketed as an e-learning tool, the product has multi-industry value, and has cut internal production costs by 50%-plus.
Initial installation has been seamless with no major updates required since installation.
· Conducted comprehensive business analysis in collaboration with the Managing Director and composed functional specification.
· Developed product through to first sale as a standalone product, with other learning institutions evaluating purchase. Using best practice industry standards the program has been ‘versioned’ with all changes, enhancements, and fixes recorded meticulously within formal channels.

Senior Web Developer
Collaborated with producers and graphic designers in the development of ASP/MS SQL applications and websites for clients including Nestlé, MLHSBC, Compaq and One Media.

Business Analyst • Web Developer
Overcame inexperience with Lotus Notes, to successfully steer and deliver the development of a web content management system and a recruitment software program. Briefed team members on expectations and project progress, and educated groups of end-users in the operation and nuances of system/software capabilities.
· Designed site structure and divisional integration for the Victorian Department of Infrastructure.
· Developed and maintained company’s website.

SYBASE INC., The Netherlands
Developer Support • Team Mentor
Recruited and seconded to Holland as a senior technical engineer, providing support for PowerBuilder, and leading/training up to 30 team-members in the complexities of PowerBuilder development and web applications. Produced company intranet, oriented new recruits to formal systems and procedures, and administered the database for the internal Sybase SQL Servers.

Analyst Programmer
Sybase SQL Specialist and programmer of PowerBuilder application.

Analyst Programmer
Maintained PowerBuilder and Sybase SQL applications.

Analyst Programmer
Steered the development of project management software in PowerBuilder and Sybase SQL and created marketing campaign to penetrate new markets.



Launched small web design enterprise as an umbrella for accepting short-term and freelance projects.
Devised and regularly revamped website presence as both a testing ground for new ideas in navigation, style sheets, loading speeds, multi-browser capabilities, and color, and as a showcase to highlight a select group of pro-bono work and small assignments including:
· Employers Making a Difference. Delivered three websites for this non-profit organization promoting employment of individuals with disabilities. Designed fully-functional, database-driven content management system incorporating rich text editing features, and designed site to conform to accessibility guidelines with latest CSS standards.
· Department of Premier and Cabinet. External advisor for project planning, and member of the tender selection panel evaluating tenders for the redevelopment of the Premier’s website.
· Minerva Academy Australia. Produced multi-lingual site structure for multiple language availability on website, and wizard-based enrolment procedure for student entry.


Graduate Diploma in Design
University of Technology, Sydney (2004)

Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)
Auckland University (1995)

Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing)
Auckland University (1995)

Short courses completed in desktop publishing, Java, data modeling, and object-oriented programming
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