
Vice President of Product Delivery

Pat Hernandez
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Expert in the design and delivery of cost-effective, high-performance information technology infrastructures and applications to address complex business problems. Results-oriented leader, recognized for successful business tactics and strategies, demonstrating management expertise while implementing initiatives to meet company objectives and contribute to bottom line. In-depth understanding of IRM/ITM public laws, executive orders, and regulations pertaining to planning and management of IRM/ITM. Sound knowledge of designing, building, and driving technologies and/or solutions to vertical and horizontal markets. Strong communication skills and ability to convey complex technical concepts and solutions to technical and non-technical audiences.

• Strategic Planning & Growth • Technology Architecture & Integration
• Decisive Leadership • Change Management
• Information Resources Management • Information Technology Management
• Systems Design & Implementation • Project Management
• Operations Management


• Awarded TECH's General Manager's Award for Outstanding Achievement. Established future strategic direction of TECH Corporation by identifying the partners critical to TECH's future in various industries and solution segments; researched and segmented customer requirements to build the matrix of partners critical to financial and industry success.
• Integrated client brands with business and marketing strategies, identifying and leveraging every point of customer contact for brand identification; GAB's website traffic increased by 212% in 2000, IBSA experienced a 57% growth in website sales, and Siba implemented a new group to support customer acquisition driven by the 'net.generation' site.
• Published Certified Project Management Professional (CPMP), with extensive experience administering multi-million-dollar budgets.
• Led organization through a series of internal system and operational changes to capitalize on emerging technologies and application enhancements, increasing efficiency and productivity.
• Directed product/solution launches, implementing and optimizing marketing and sales strategies.
• Assessed and implemented design and delivery processes to maximize customer investments, improve product quality, and enhance customer satisfaction; identified needs and provided solutions where necessary.
• Led and negotiated strategic business partnerships to facilitate technology integration into corporate operations and client opportunities.
• Initiated business plans, deliverables, and position across four TECH server brands (AS/400, Netfinity, RS/6000, and S/390), resulting in increased Lotus revenue share on TECH server platforms.
• Spearheaded project management to migrate Autchenz Bank NYC's trade floor of 30 ISV (Independent Software Vendor) applications to RS/6000 platform.


1998 - Present

Vice President of Product Delivery, 2002 - Present
Vice President of Product Development, 2000 - 2002
Managing Executive, 1999 - 2000
Vice President of Client Services & Delivery/Director Brand Building & Technology, 1998 - 1999

Reporting directly to General Manager and Vice President managing product delivery and operations management for Web Services, Content Management, Collaboration, and Search and Taxonomy. Manage a highly skilled professional team of 20 directing documentation, release management, sales support, software distribution, QA and stress testing, training and sales support, support and critical situation management, and Showcase and Truelook operations and production. Lead and deliver technology implementation and optimization services. Develop and assume full P&L responsibility for multi-million-dollar technology budgets and project plans; determine sales and profit targets; recruit, hire, manage, and monitor highly-skilled individuals and teams, including technologists and project and account management personnel.

• Led and directed life-cycle implementations, strategy, branding, and technology engagements for business-to-consumer clients such as GAB Twartz and IBSA, and business-to-business clients such as Siba and StarTek.
• Directed GAB Twartz's 2001 Strategy discussion, identifying new and innovative initiatives necessary to build a competitive 2001 Strategy while achieving corporate goals.
• Formulated strategies to increase Siba's offerings to Net Generation companies; developed a new section of the Siba.com website, targeting Net Generation solutions to Siba's desired audience segments and differentiating Siba from its competitors, while remaining true to the Siba brand.
• Developed and implemented bold and aggressive information systems plans and policies to ensure delivery of office and regional objectives supporting the corporate strategy.
• Oversaw Technology and Brand Building groups, enabling the development of innovative and creative solutions to critique concepts, mentor staff, and shape direction, planning, development, and growth.
• Pioneered the development and implementation of a Technology Council, identifying and addressing the impact of breakthrough ideas on current and potential customers.
• Accelerated growth through customer acquisition, retention, and channel expansion, solving difficult operational challenges to drive technology development and implementation for clients, partners, and corporation.
• Led cross-functional teams in designing, building, delivering, and deploying leading-edge technology.

1991 - 1998

Program Manager UNIX Partners in Development & TECHO Server Group - Senior Staff - TECHO Server Group, 1996 - 1998
Advisory Staff - TECHNO RS/6000 Marketing, 1993 - 1996
Consultant - TECHO Solution Developer Organization, 1991 - 1993

• Redesigned and streamlined information technology competencies through internal development and external sales initiatives, capturing new technologies and supporting rapid changes.
• Spearheaded development of an improved coverage mode to deliver RS/6000 information to solution developers; RS/6000 Division and Server Group achieved outstanding partner participation in 'Solutions 99.'
• Executed and delivered technologies enhancing RS/6000 competitive positioning; drove largest ever RS/6000 Early Programs.
• Strengthened TECHO's standing with its top 15 independent solution vendors by obtaining Tier 1 status with i2 Technologies.
• Designed and implemented training programs and post-migration business strategies; ensured ISV applications supported current versions of TECHO operating systems and applications achieved optimum performance/market exposure on TECHO platforms.
• Published first white paper in E-Business Technical Series entitled 'RS/6000 Quick Start Guide for the TECHO HTTP Server Powered by Apache'; follow-on works included 'Developing Java Servlets for the RS/6000', 'Integrating a JVM Into Your RS/6000 Application', and 'To Bean or Not to Bean.'
• Instrumental in developing ISV (Independent Software Vendor) technology strategies for each industry and/or segment, developing and managing Technology Plans for strategic ISVs.


The George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
Master of Business Administration in International Management

University of Dallas, Dallas, Texas
Master of Science in Project Management

University of Dallas, Dallas, Texas
Master of Arts in Rhetorical Theory

University of Dallas, Dallas, Texas
Bachelor of Arts in English/History


Simply AIX, 2nd Edition, ISBN 0-13-021344-6, Prentice Hall, PTR 1999
Focuses on enhancements to the AIX operating system in release 4.3, including the 64-bit, security, Y2K, and Internet features.

Building a Better Data Warehouse, ISBN 0-13-890757-9, Prentice Hall, PTR 1997
Identifies and illustrates a proven methodology for building and deploying data warehouses. Hardware platforms, operating systems, database tools, and applications are recommended.

Simply AIX, ISBN 0-13-568882-5, Prentice Hall, PTR 1996
An AIX guide that helps first-time users get started and provides valuable tips for the more advanced user.

PowerPC: Concepts, Architecture and Design, ISBN 0-07-01192-8, McGraw Hill 1995
Discusses and illustrates the PowerPC chip architecture and conventions, as well as the supported operating systems, end-user environments, and UNIX utilities.

PRWRA Jenny Rushton - Keraijen - keraijen@hotmail.com