
Information Systems Manager Project Management

Jamie Hill
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


IT Manager with a wide repertoire of technical qualifications. Emphasis on introducing key technology solutions to meet the changing needs of a dynamic business environment. Recognized for ability to establish, target, and meet all facets of the project lifecycle to achieve critical goals.

Key areas of expertise include:

• Data Warehousing • Decision Support Systems • Configuration Management
• Software Development • System Integration Testing • Data Modeling
• Object Oriented Design • Web Architecture • Oracle Databases
• Java Scripts • Object Oriented Analysis • MS Office and Project

• Finance and Budgeting • Administrative Reporting • Resource Management
• Strategic Planning • Vendor Relations • Forecasting and Analysis
• Training and Development • Purchasing • Capital Planning


Helix Corporation
1991 - Present
Supported corporate-wide projects in the selection, delivery and management of new technology. Oversaw the actions of a 14-person team encompassing web design, technical support, and software development. Supervised traditional department management functions including fiscal responsibility, resource management, project management, and administrative detail.

Provided project leadership on projects including:
• Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: Presented project analysis to senior management achieving go-ahead to manage and develop system architecture and object oriented design (OOD). Directed development and selection of tools, and performed final analysis. Java, Jbuilder, Jscript.

• Data Warehousing System: Implemented data warehouse for Procurement Department to provide easy access and analysis of inventory data with viable reporting tools. Successfully delivered project under budget. MS Access, SQL.

• Web Design: Guided Intranet development and deployment from initial phase through company-wide roll-out. Placed technical support manuals on-line to allow easy access by all users which reduced help desk volume by 37% in three months. HTML, Java, IBM WebSphere.

• Technical Support: Designed a 2-day program for staff and management during the implementation of PeopleSoft modules. Member of the PeopleSoft Power User Group (PUG). PeopleSoft.

Helix Corporation
1988 - 1991
Coded numerous projects, including analyzing needs for data structures and processing routines, developing prototype and production code, and supervising testing. Utilized a variety of software including Basic, C, Cobol and Fortran.


State University of New York at Stony Brook
M.S., Computer Engineering Technology

State University of New York at Stony Brook
B.S., Engineering, Minor: Computers

PRWRA Laura DeCarlo - A Competitive Edge Career Service - http://www.acompetitiveedge.com - getanedge@aol.com